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由盲肠,结肠和直肠组成。Composed of caecum, colon and rectum.

肛管直肠损伤的诊断和治疗。Diagnosis and treatment of anorectal injuries.

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你得多经常去做直肠检查才行啊?How often do you need the dreaded rectal exam?

硬的塑料灌肠嘴会刺破直肠。Hard plastic enema tips can perforate the rectum.

目的观察直肠给药优于口服治疗。Objective To observe the curative effect of Enem-d.

直肠壁薄而没有浆膜覆盖。The rectal wall is thin and has no serosal covering.

直肠壁薄而没有浆膜复盖。The rectal wall is thin and has no serosal covering.

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管的一头轻轻伸入直肠。One end of a tube is gently inserted into the rectum.

直肠地被测量的温度是最正确的。Temperatures measured rectally are the most accurate.

洗肠,灌肠,插入直肠栓剂。Bowel washouts, enemas, inserting rectal suppositories.

直肠的或电子的慰抚者温度被偏爱。A rectal or electronic pacifier temperature is preferred.

有些病例直肠受损,粪便会持续泄漏出来。In some cases, the rectum is damaged and stool leaks out.

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手术前病人的结肠和直肠必须排空。The rectum and colon must be completely empty before surgery.

用手指将药栓推入直肠。Push the suppository well up into the rectum with your finger.

通常情况下,结肠的剩余部分就会和直肠连接在一起。Usually, the remaining colon can then be joined to the rectum.

结论STARR手术治疗直肠前突安全有效。Conclusion STARR operation for rectocele was safe and effective.

涉及的部位是直肠、乙状结肠、盲肠和升结肠。The involved parts are rectum, sigmoid, cecum and ascending colon.

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这是肠与直肠相连的主要部位。This is a large part of the bowel which connects up with the rectum.

目的探讨肛管直肠损伤的诊断和治疗。Objective To study the diagnosis and treatment of anorectal injuries.

直肠侧韧带内存在的神经是直肠神经丛的组成部分。The nerve in the lateral ligament was the part of rectal nerve plexus.