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觉得相当植根日本了。I feel fairly rooted in Japan.

这个使命“深深植根于企业文化之中”,他补充道。That mission is "deeply engrained in the culture, " he adds.

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植根传统,师法造化的国画大师。Rooted in tradition, learning from nature's painting masters.

从该时开始,煽情主义在香港植根。Afterwards, sensationalism places its root in Hong Kong media.

祖先的崇拜之物已经深深的植根语兽人的宗教之中。Ancestral worship has long been at the heart of Orcish religion.

这是因为他那植根于心的精神蕴涵着力量和信心。His strength and confidence, however, hide a deely reflective spirit.

我们不过是——也不仅是——植根在脑中的对于世代遗产的记忆。We are nothing more--or less--than an encoded memory of our heritage.

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我们也希望通过这组文章把深深植根于美国生活的乐观主义精神带给世界各地的读者。We offer it in the spirit of optimism embedded deeply in American life.

彭学军的少年小说创作植根于一种独特的南方映象。Peng Xuejun′s juvenile novels are rooted in a unique image of the South.

因此,从所运用的语言用和工作上的表达,我是植根在这儿的。So, in terms of my language and my expression in my work I‘m pretty rooted.

在高原地区与自然血肉相联的深刻感受,是一种植根。In the plateau region associated with natural flesh deep feelings, is a root.

故作神秘一直深深植根于整个苏联体制中,而不仅仅是在军事中。Secretiveness ran deep in the Soviet system—and not just in military matters.

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这套“强硬路线”的哲学植根于“自然规律”恒久不变的理念。The Hardline philosophy was rooted in the idea of an immutable "Natural Order".

温州私营部门也植根于当地的民间银行网络之中。Wenzhou's private sector is also rooted in the city's network of informal banks.

近来的科学研究揭示,这些运动植根于人类的心灵深处。Recent science suggests that these movements are rooted deep in the human psyche.

交流货品、思想和技术的精神深深植根于这座城市。The exchange of goods, ideas and know-how is deeply rooted in the city of Santa Fe.

曾氏文学理论的形成,既植根于深厚的传统历史文化,也得益于变革的近代文学思潮。It was deeply rooted in traditional history and benefited from changeable modern literary trend.

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膨胀螺栓与化学螺栓和化学植根螺栓强度虽然较低,但其经济性非常好。The bearing capacity of expansion bolts is lower than chemical-fixing bolt, but it is economical.

银弹也植根于美国早期文化偶像,这是一位人人皆知的著名人物。Silver bullets also have roots in an early American cultural icon, a famous character everyone knew.

锡基霍尔的巫术多半植根于在菲律宾存在了好几个世纪的传统观念。Magic in Siquijor consists mainly of traditional beliefs that have existed in the Philippines for centuries.