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奉先寺是龙门石窟中艺术最精湛、规模最宏伟的摩崖佛龛。The Fengxiansi Cave consists of the largest and most exquisite niches in Longmen.

附近的居民目击该夫妇丢弃佛龛的行为,随即报警。Nearby residents witnessed the behavior of the couple dropped shrines, then alarm.

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带着从佛龛的抽屉中找到的母子手册。The mother and child manual taken to find out from the drawer of niche for Buddha.

此佛龛选用优质紫檀精制而成,工艺精湛。This niche is delicately made of fine-quality rosewood with refined craftsmanship.

而对面的佛龛上,长明灯已然熄灭。A Buddhist shrine stands on the other side of the room, but the candles have burned out.

围绕着环形平台有72座透雕细工的印度塔,内有佛龛,每个佛龛供奉一尊佛像。Around the circular platforms are72 openwork stupas, each containing a statue of the Buddha.

佛龛旁边放着一瓶药酒,里面泡的是野猪的胚胎。There is a "medicinal" boar fetus in a jar of alcohol displayed near a small Buddhist shrine.

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佛龛旁边放着一瓶药酒,里面泡的是野猪的胚胎。There is a “medicinal” boar fetus in a jar of alcohol displayed near a small Buddhist shrine.

信教者家中几乎都设有小经堂或佛龛。Almost every religious family has a small sutra recitation hall or a niche for a Buddhist statue.

同时,现场工作的重点将是稳固岌岌可危的佛龛巨石,让它继续抵御岁月的洗礼。Meantime, work at the site will focus on stabilizing the fragile niche rock to further salvage history.

但一夜之间宝塔成为一幅钢筋瓦砾架,塔内佛龛佛像被大火毁之一炬。However, the pagoda became an overnight steel debris rack, tower shrines of Buddha destroyed by fire torches.

我知道要进入佛龛里观看是不可能了,只能隔着铁帘又看了一会儿,然后悻悻地离开。I knew it was impossible to enter to watch, so stood by the iron-fence for another while, then walked away disappointedly.

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阿富汗气候乾燥,佛龛纵深够,有助于保护佛像及保存木料和绳索。The dryness of Afghanistan's climate and the depth of the niches helped protect the statues and preserve the wood and rope.

寺院的壁画、雕刻、塑像、唐卡、经卷、法器、佛龛等宗教文化载体,受到保护和修缮。The murals, sculptures, statues, Thangkas, sutras, ritual implements, and Buddhist shrines have been well repaired and protected.

高洋还在太原西山凿佛龛、雕佛像、建佛寺,在晋水源头修鱼沼飞梁。High-yang shrines still in Taiyuan Xishan cutting, carving Buddhist statues, Buddhist temple built in the Jin Xiu source of water marsh flying fish beam.

在洞内尽头佛龛石台之上供奉的观音是一尊汉白玉观音大士未出山坐像,这种观音像在佛寺中是十分少见的。In the cave, there enshrined a white marble statue of a sitting Avaloktesvara in white in the niche on the stone stage, which is rare in Buddhist temple.

通过将残片的泥沙类型与佛龛上的黏土类型进行配比,为碎片原来所处的位置提供了重要线索。Matching sediment patterns in the fragments with those in the hollow niches where the Buddhas once stood offers key clues to the pieces' original position.

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寺庙内,主殿中央的巨大的佛龛内,正在举行为释迦牟尼12岁等身像上金粉的仪式。In the temple, inside the large niche in the center of the main hall, the functional ceremony for goldening the 12-year-old-like Shakyamuni statue is going on.

佛龛被一道粗实的铁网帘拦着,里面早已站满了人,个个低眉顺眼,口中低低地念诵着。The niche is fended by a thick iron-fensing curtain, inside has already been tucked in with people, every one appears dedicated and does chanting in low volume.

身份暴露的“佛龛”李涯分配回到天津,他提议让余则成策反左蓝,以测试余则成。Disclosure of the identity of the "shrines" Li Ya-distribution back to Tianjin, he proposed that I was into the left incite defection of blue, to test I was into.