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居伊国王和麾下精锐卫队。King Guy and his bodyguard.

我把他画成党卫队全副武装的样子。I drew him in his SS regalia.

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皇家卫队仍在这里执行任务。The Danish Royal Guard is on duty.

萨拉丁和麾下精锐卫队。The Sultan Saladin and his bodyguard.

塔兰托的博希蒙德和麾下精锐卫队。Bohemond of Taranto and his bodyguard.

不错,我就是卫队的领导者。"I am the Guardians, " Lorian replied.

开关站保护贴&卫队。Transfer station protectors and guards.

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本-凯德尼在掷弹兵卫队服役。Ben Kidney served in the Grenadier Guards.

里迟亚斯兰苏丹和他的精锐卫队。The Sultan Qilich Arslan and his bodyguard.

那么如何认定这些革命卫队公司呢?How, then, can IRGC companies be identified?

党卫队开始急速占领他们放弃的阵地。The SS units moved to their jump-off positions.

他们被招募到宫廷卫队当枪炮手。They were enrolled in the royal guard as gunners.

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该团的前哨卫队已被撤回。The advance guards of the regiment were called in.

枪声惊动了司令长官刘勋德的卫队。Gunfire shocked the chief commander Liu Xunde guard.

公示出来的名单中并没有列出革命卫队公司的所有分支。No public list identifies all of the IRGC's offshoots.

瓦迪斯瓦夫国王和他的精锐卫队。King Wladyslaw and his bodyguard of hand-picked knights.

在云城,洛博特因为盗窃而被“翼”卫队逮捕。On Cloud City, Lobot was caught thieving by the Wing Guard.

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它当天还“检阅”了前来看望它的挪威国王卫队士兵。He paraded the soldiers of King Guard at the Conferment Day.

我想说的是,我当时就身陷在伊拉克共和国卫队中。I like to say I was embedded with the Iraqi Republican Guard.

冷溪卫队一营军乐队在F·哥德弗雷先生的指挥下,为晚宴演奏。The band of the 1st Battalion Coldstream Guards, under Mr. F.