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换到右面车道上。Move to the right lane.

你在航迹的右面。You are right of track.

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公园在右面。The park is on the right side.

我们从右面包抄敌军。We enveloped the enemy on the right.

神父傲慢地走到右面。The priest proudly stepped over to the right.

这两张种姿势被描述在右面。These two postures are depicted on the right.

不能指望它盯着左面或着右面,还能往前走。It must not look to the left or right but go forward.

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对黄框内区域的景观特写则呈现为右面的两张图片。Areas outlined in yellow delineate close-up views on the right.

岩浆往右面和左面喷洒,毁灭了森林和都会。Lava is spilled to right and left, destroying forests and cities.

“亲吻的骆驼”是右面最近的豚脊丘。The Kissing Camels formation is the nearest hogback on the right.

请参看这本词典第二百页右面一栏。Please refer to the right-hand column of page 200 of this dictionary.

右面墙上的印刷品是我们姐夫Nick给我们的。The print on the right wall was given to us by our brother-in-law, Nick.

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截图的右面显示了一个任务表示的示例。The screen capture shows on the right an example of a task presentation.

通过向电视机右面的投币槽投进6个硬币他就可以观看一个小时的节目。A slot meter on the right allows him to insert 6d coins for an hour of viewing.

后面的情人没完没了地说着悄悄话,右面的婴儿又哭又闹.young lovers talking constantly behind me, and babies crying to the right of me

更多移民申请的信息,请看右面“家属”链接。For more information on immigrant petitions, see the “Family” link to the right.

请把你的作文题目写在黑板右面。Please write down your title of oral composition on the right of the blackboard.

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那架敞亮的战斗机受到惊吓后呈直线地从右面铅直飞安防监控弱电起来。The bright fighter is frightened and flies upright in straight line from the right.

我是安妮•史密斯,我右面是我的同事安娜•邓肯,左边是安吉拉•兰姆。I'm Anne Smith and on my right, my colleague, Anna Duncan, and on my left, Angela Lamb.

在加州大学洛杉矶分校医学中心的一间手术室里,科瑞娜·阿拉米罗右面侧躺着。Corina Alamillo is lying on her right side in an operating room in the UCLA Medical Center.