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你能像装罐工装的罐子一样,装一个罐子吗?。Can you can a can as a canner can can a can.

是的,对这个项目我们会提供付费工装。Yes. For this program, we will provide paid tooling.

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负责工装夹具的设计和制造。Manage tooling and fixture design including its manufacturing.

一个身穿篮斜纹布工装的妇女站在一家高档商品店的橱窗前。A woman in blue jeans stood at the window of an expensive shop.

评审工装和检具价格分解表-同RFQ中表。Review the tooling and gage breakdown. as submitted in the RFQ.

设计、制做、安装了真空实型铸造所需设备和工装。Equipment and tool of EPC-V has been designed, made, and erected.

你可以把皮衣当军工装穿,也可以将它与热裤混搭。You'll wear it with military and you'll buy hot pants made out of it.

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解决产品量产中的问题,如故障分析、工装夹具设计等。Resolve process problems and design test fixtures for mass production.

我朝路边一位身着工装之男子走去,他正将一截巨大之金属管道吊上卡车。He was hoisting a huge metal segment of a pipeline on to the back of a truck.

波普圆点长T搭配工装高腰裤,小可爱洋溢。Pop dot long T collocation tooling tall waist trousers, small lovely overflow.

介绍了用于Z8612型射芯机的两种芯盒工装设计。The design of two core boxes used on Z8612 core-making machine was introduced.

负责压铸模具、工装的应急维修和外修协调工作。Be responsible for coordinating production fixtures and tools repaired outside.

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如果使用三轴机床进行钻斜孔,必须为每一个孔做不同的工装。If a three-axis machine is used, a different set-up must be used for each hole.

见效快的一种先进的工装技术,也是国际上白车身焊接生产的发展趋势。And it is the development trend of welding technique of white body in the world.

铜夹头采用半圆形或平台形,方便安装工装夹具。Copper chuck using a semicircle shape or platform and easy installation fixture.

为喷粉线的生产工艺、工艺过程和工装操作提供技术支持。Technical support to Production for painting methods , process, tools operations.

负责配备生产所需的仪器设备,工装夹具和工具。Responsible for equipping instruments, equipments, fixtures and tools for production.

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这项要求也适用于汽配件的工装。This requirement also applies to the availability of tools for vehicle service parts.

我看大多数男的都是T恤,工装中短裤,库管的口袋可以掩饰一下腿粗吧。I think most men are T-shirts, clothes in shorts, Kuguan pocket can hide what Tuicu it.

质保体系的建立完善,工装卡具的设计改进及生产过程的改善服务。Quality system set up, Design and improvement of Jigs& fixture, Process Kaizen and so on.