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我收到她的字体很匀整的来信。I received a letter from her in her neat script.

文章就如何正确使用毛C-07型自调匀整装置进行了详细的阐述。This Chapten expound how to using wool C-07 type Auto leveler.

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他的裤子烫得很匀整,新外套也是如此。His trousers were neatly pressed and his new jacket was just so.

她的眼睛清澈光亮得出奇,她的皮肤很娇嫩,她的牙齿洁白而匀整。Her eyes were wondrously clear and bright, her skin fair, and her teeth white and even.

整套匀整装置结构设计合理,运转平稳,极少发生机械故障。The structure of equipment is designed reasonably, so the machine is running smoothly and has less trouble.

自调匀整装置是棉纺清钢联系统解决生条重量不匀率及重量偏差的重要装置。Autoleveller is an important device to solve card sliver weight unevenness and difference on blowing-carding-drawing unit.

原油体积系数必须经过匀整才能满足油藏工程计算的需要。The oil volume factors must be disposed even and orderly in order to meet the need of calculation in reservoir engineering.

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高速并条机具有很高的出条速度,如何改善自调匀整性能,保证纺纱的质量是研究中的一大难点。How to improve auto-leveling property and the yarn quality under high speed is a difficulty for developing high-speed drawing frame.

铁观音是乌龙茶的极品。茶条卷曲,肥壮圆结,沉重匀整,色泽砂绿,整体形状似蜻蜓头、螺旋体、青蛙腿。Tieguanyin is a best kind tea among oolong. Crimped leaf, sandy green color, it looks like the head of dragonfly , leptospira and frog leg.

本文概括介绍了一种用于麻纺并条工序的由单板计算机控制的自调匀整装置。This paper introduces an automatic evener with the single-board microcomputer. The evener is used to draw procedure in bast fibre spin- ning.

此茶形如瓜子,色泽宝绿,叶面匀整,汤色碧如翡翠,香气清高持久,滋味鲜醇回甘,为茶中极品。The tea is in shape of emerald green melon seeds, the color of the tea boiled water is as green as jade, and its lasting smell is delicate and fresh.

首先建立了自调匀整系统的数学模型,然后进行了喂入棉条定量检测点和输出棉条定量检测点的相关分析。The algorithm gives the mathematical model of open-loop autoleveller system, and the weight correlation between input yarn and output yarn was analyzed.

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文章就梳棉机针布、吸尘吸落棉系统、清梳联自调匀整器、梳棉机锡林与盖板的分流过程等方面问题进行了全面分析探讨。Issues of carding cloth, dust and noil absorption system, blow carding auto leveler, carding process between cylinder and flats of a carding machine are discussed.

选料精细,工艺成熟,条索归结细匀整,色泽翠绿,香气馥郁,滋味醇厚,耐冲泡,回甘好。The finished tea appears tight, elegant and even, emerald green, smells fragrant, tastes mellow and thick, and has infusion resistance and lasting sweet aftertaste.

总之,本课题设计的棉条检测传感器与开环自调匀整控制系统为今后自调匀整技术的发展做出一定的贡献。In short, The topics designed sliver sensor with the open-loop autoleveller control system will make contribution to the future development of autoleveller technology.

茶条卷曲,肥壮圆结,沉重匀整,色泽砂绿,整体形状似蜻蜓头、螺旋体、青蛙腿。This Oolong tea appears emerald green, curly, strong and round, tight-heavy and even, the whole shape like the head of dragonfly, leptospira structure or the leg of frog.

并介绍和分析了现代高速并条机自调匀整装置的特点,并条机自调匀整的效果。Structure of autoleveler set in drawing frame were introduced in detail, the specialty and autoleveler effect of autoleveler set in modern high-speed drawing frame were analyzed too.

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本文总结了本厂几年来在清棉成卷机上几种自调匀整装置的使用实践,着重分析探讨了变频自调匀整装置的使用性能,可供使用选型参考。The author sums up the operation practice of several types of auto- levellers amounted onscutching lapper of the mill, of which frequency changing auto-leveller is mainly dealt with.

本文在梳棉机微机自调匀整器研究工作的基础上,论述了系统的工作原理和组成,闭环和混合环的研究,以及这种微机自调匀整器的工艺性能。A systematical analysis is proceeded here on the working principles, structures, closed and combined loops and the technological features of micro-computerized auto-levelling systems.

林徽因诗歌受新月诗派的影响,讲究形式的匀整和谐。同时,在诗形方面又有着自己的风格,体现出多样化的特点。Influenced by the Crescent School of Poetry, Lin Huiyin emphasizes the regularity and orderliness in poems' form, and she also has her own style with diversification at the same time.