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我在这扇门之外并没有宾至如归的感觉。I did not feel welcome outside the door.

这房间有一种宾至如归的舒适氛围。The room had a cozy, homelike atmosphere.

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我来到埃及大有宾至如归的感觉。"I feel at home when I am in Egypt, " said Wen.

在这家饭店住宿的旅客都有宾至如归的感觉。All travellers find this hotel a home from home.

他们的热情服务使所有的客人感到宾至如归宾至如归。Their warm services made all the guests feel at home.

我们希望这种颜色能让房子给人一种暖意融融、宾至如归的感觉。We hope the colour gives the house a warm and inviting feel.

我们希望你能心连心地交流,宾至如归。We wish you can talk heart-to-heart, and receive home feeling.

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招待客人使他们感到宾至如归,关心他人时让他们觉得如沐春风。Help make people feel comfortable by engaging in hosting and care-taking.

一个开心的,随便的主人就是让客人感到宾至如归的最好方法。The best way to make everyone feel welcome is to be a happy relaxed host.

作为一名非中国血统的女性,过了一会儿我才开始有了宾至如归的感觉。It has taken me a while to feel at home in Chinatown as a non-Chinese woman.

女主人的人缘很好,因为她总能给客人一种宾至如归的感觉。The hostess is very popular because she always makes her guests feel at home.

登记处的招待员十分友好,并且让我有宾至如归的感觉。The receptionist at the check-in desk was very friendly and made me feel welcome here.

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然而你如到土楼——福裕楼旅游投宿,这种感觉就会被“宾至如归”这句成语所替代。However, if you go to the earth buildings, Fuyu Tower, to lodge, you will feel at home.

在诺富特,从您的光临直到您的离店,我们会尽最大努力使您感到宾至如归。From your arrival to your departure, at Novotel we do our utmost to see that you feel home.

子非会馆确实是一个能够让成功商人宾至如归的地方。And, indeed, Zi Fi is a restaurant designed to make the successful businessman feel at home.

我们的目标在于营造一处宾至如归的场所并为我们的客人提供最竭诚的服务!Our goal is to create a homelike environment and deliver exceptional service to our clients.

会员之间的体育精神和同志情谊让外籍球员有宾至如归的感觉。The sportsmanship and camaraderie among members makes even the best foreign players feel at home.

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或是,你一觉醒来,由于时差两眼朦胧,来到一个你没见过的城市,并有宾至如归的感觉。Or you wake up, bleary with jet lag, in a city you've never seen before and feel you've come home.

您应该放宽心,学校会努力帮助您适应美国的学校生活,使您宾至如归。Rest assured the university will work to help you come to feel at home in your U.S. college community.

他说,和平队的志愿人员经常说他们在东道主社区感到完全宾至如归和安全。Volunteers frequently report that they feel entirely at home and secure in their host communities, he said.