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他是一个阳光男孩。He's a sun boy.

她感受到阳光。She feels the sun.

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既炎热又阳光。Both hot and sunny.

我是一个阳光男孩。I am a sunshine boy.

阳光使水果成熟。The sun ripens fruit.

太酷了!我的阳光的男孩!Cool! My sunshine boy!

没有阳光,我是黑暗的。No sunshine, I'm dark.

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如阳光那般璀璨。Lies bright as the sun.

阳光小美女。Little. Miss. Sunshine.

砂砾上有阳光的味道。Smell of sun on gravel.

我在阳光学校学习。I study at Sunnu school.

我在阳光学校学习。I study at Sunny School.

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阳光使农作物成熟。The sun ripens the corn.

今天是个大晴天,阳光明媚。Today is a sunny, sunny.

大明正躺在阳光下吃午饭。Daming is and in the sun.

早晨的阳光放光芒。Morning glory in the sun.

春天是温暖又阳光灿烂的。Spring is warm and sunny.

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我身处阳光,却沉溺黑暗。The dark in the sunshine.

阳光使麦子成熟了。The sun ripens the wheat.

阳光耀眼。The sunshine is dazzling.