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他与一建筑工人订了师徒合同。He is indenture to a builder.

师徒弟子,亦复如是。This is also true with teachersdisciples.

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师徒弟子,亦复如是。This is also true with teachers and disciples.

故事的文化符号就是中国的师徒关系。Story of cultural symbols of China's mentorship.

师徒俩在梁地的郊外碰巧遇上了。In the suburb of Liang, they meet each other by chance.

魁刚和萨那托斯当了12年的师徒。For 12 years, Qui -Gon and Xanatos are master and apprentice.

义工更与长者举行「拜师仪式」,开展这段「师徒关系」。A ceremony was held as a kick-off of this mentoring relationship.

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师徒关系本身,在每一个当下一直就是如此。Relationship itself is, in every moment, always already the case.

师徒关系本身一直是你当下的境况。Relationship itself always already exists as your living condition.

门多萨进步很快,师徒俩很快发生矛盾。Mendoza was quick to learn. Very soon the two men quarreled bitterly.

一和金大师结为师徒,欧比-万就开始探索银河。Once partnered with Master Jinn, Obi-Wan began to explore the galaxy.

他们漫步在大街上,阳光照耀在脸上,师徒两人心情都不错。They strolled down the boulevard, glad to feel the sun on their faces.

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二龟兹开始创立了师徒传承的体制,并影响到内地。A master-prentice system was created here and spread into inland China.

成功的师徒关系需要效果与热情。A successful mentoring relationship needs equal parts utility and emotion.

的确,他无比怀念他们师徒之间那种纯粹而不含任何杂质的信任。It was true that he missed that pure trust, that lack of shadows between them.

师徒两人在街道的尽头停了下来,装作在看商店里的橱窗。The Jedi paused, pretending to look in a store window at the end of the block.

两人都是来自美国小城镇,她们的师徒关系发展成了友谊。Both were from small towns and the mentoring relationship blossomed into a friendship.

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他们之间的关系从未建立在友谊之上,只是普通的师徒关系。Their relationship had not been based on friendship. It had been one of teacher and student.

师徒相授制度是东汉常见的培训医师方法。Apprenticeships were a common means of educating new physicians in the Western Han Dynasties.

前往西天取经的唐僧师徒四人中最不起眼,最不受人注目的是沙僧。Monk Sha is the most common one of four teachers and prentices who go for lections in the west.