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捕获感兴趣的文本仅仅是隔靴搔痒。Capturing text of interest just scratches the surface.

但是,如果流行病真的发生了,这将只是隔靴搔痒。But if a pandemic does occur, this would be small comfort indeed.

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但这只是隔靴搔痒而已,因为阴谋论都是自动生成的。But this is the rub of course, because conspiracy theories are self-sealing.

所谓的会议根本没有深度,领导者们都在隔靴搔痒,拿不出真实而有约束力的决定。Meetings can be superficial and leaders tend to shy away from taking real, binding decisions.

尽管这次大会各国间的协商取得了进展,但对温室气体排放限额设置的处理却如隔靴搔痒。The conference agreements, although a step forward, set only modest limits on greenhouse-gas emissions.

在WTO以及自由贸易体系之下的讨论尽管是最切合实际的,但总有隔靴搔痒的感觉。It is most practical discussing"Lacey Act"under WTO and free trade system, but this cannot reach the most extent.

最后限期到来之前仍有希望重组希腊债务,但市场似乎已经厌倦了隔靴搔痒。The restructuring of Greek debt may still occur by the deadline, but the market seems to be fed up with all the dancing around.

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长久以来,在詹姆斯•默多克和他的帝国统治下,清除积弊进行改革更像是隔靴搔痒。For far too long – under both James Murdoch and her own reign – the cleansing of the Augean stables looked more like a light dusting.

骨子里根深蒂固的东西没有变,不管哪个老师如何在操作层面上的创新、实验都不过是隔靴搔痒罢了。He has deep-rooted things have not changed, no matter what how teachers at the operational level of innovation, But experiments are simply ineffective.

尽管和几年前一样,这个措施只是隔靴搔痒,但这是免费的,而且很容易防止一些无意识的侵权行为。Though this myth is nowhere near as common as it was just a few years ago, it is something that is free and easy to do that prevents a lot of innocent infringement.

然而,利用食用盐中含有的微量碘元素去应对核辐射无异于隔靴搔痒,含碘盐根本无法作为核辐射的防御手段。Yet the small amount of iodine in table salt is nowhere near what’s recommended for exposure to radiation, making it virtually impossible to use iodized salt as a prophylactic.

关于文学雅与俗的内蕴已有不少阐释,但都是离开本体论去谈雅与俗,给人一种隔靴搔痒的遗憾。Although there have been lots of interpretations on the elegance and vulgarness of literature, the author considers them just criticisms on the surface without gasping the essence.

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在IT出版物和大会中,“治理”这个词被不断地提及已经有一段时间了,但从技术范围来讲,这些讨论通常最多算是隔靴搔痒。The term "governance" has been regularly appearing in IT publications and conferences for some time, but among technical circles, such discussions are often yawn-provoking at best.

让大家仅评这篇简短的文章和一段录像就对此事做出评价,就像让一位医生远程给病人看病一样,有点隔靴搔痒,但我愿意一点点收集你们读者的智慧。And asking people to make assessments based on a brief article and video is like asking physicians to diagnose patients remotely. But I’d like to tap into the wisdom that you have accumulated.