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想象一下在百战天龙里手握着它!Imagine this in the hands of McGyver!

“知识里手”之所以可笑,原因就是在这个地方。That is why the "know-all" is ridiculous.

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路易十四和查理二世都是个中里手。Both Louis XIV and Charles II were dab hands.

一份由次要银里手提供的调查演讲估计,到2000年,工业方面每年将大约增添9万份工做。A survey of leading bankers projects that job cuts in the industry will average some 90,000 jobs annually until the year 2000.

约翰-特里手术后恢复情况良好,这一手术根冶了长期以来可能使他受到脚趾间感染的问题。John Terry is recovering well from surgery to a long-standing problem which predisposed him to infection between two of his toes.

阿莱格里手中无伊布可用,所以帕托首发顶在最前面,卡萨诺对其支援。诺切里诺和赞布罗塔也获得首发。Max Allegri was without Zlatan Ibrahimovic, so Pato started upfront, supported by Antonio Cassano. Antonio Nocerino and Gianluca Zambrotta also started.

首先,他显示了三维空间里手旋转的完成,随后解释了如何用电脑对凯特摩的左手进行多边形点定位,从而制作图像。First it shows the finished hand rotating in 3D space, then explains how the computer built the image using polygon points placed on Catmull's left hand.

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一些熟知外国情况的外国银里手表示,不知道那些旧的投资机构能否有反轨制度,以防止投资不善。Some foreign bankers with China expertise say it is not clear whether the new investment agencies have formal systems in place to prevent poor investments.

坎特讨论了一下这件事,他以前在希拉里手下在法律服务公司董事会工作的时候,我就认识他。I discussed it with Mickey Kantor, a partner of Manatt's whom I had gotten to know when he served with Hillary on the board of the Legal Services Corporation.

由于公众对银里手薪酬的监督越来越严,瑞士银行巨头也像高盛一样宣称今年不会向高层主管发放花红奖金。The Swiss banking giant joined Goldman Sachs in saying that its top executives would get no bonus thellos year as public scrutiny of bankers' compensation intensified.

这个经济危机是由美国银里手和华尔街,形成数以百万计地人落空工作,房子,和退休基金在美国和世界各地。This economy crisis was created by the US banker and the Wall Street, that caused millions of people to lose their job, house, and retirement fund in US and around the globe.

婚姻这码事,并不需要聪明的慧眼和缜密的心思,彼此遵守游戏规则就成,谁又能把谁攥掌心里手拿把掐呢?Marriage this thing, does not need to be clever insight and careful thought, abide by the rules of the game have become each other, who can put his hand holding a pinch of who?

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在冷水池里手洗衣服时,我使用的洗衣液是在烟火炉里煮沸干果所得,洗衣需要花费两个小时,而如果用洗衣机只需要半小时。Handwashing my clothes in a sink of cold water, using laundry liquid made by boiling up nuts on my rocket stove, can take two hours, instead of half an hour using a washing machine.