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省内各式各样的寺院。Complex of monasteries in Kotaik province.

半挂车2辆,省内拉货。Semitrailer 2, save the internal bracing goods.

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道格拉斯能够前往阿尔伯达省内担任专家顾问。H. Douglas would come to Alberta to serve as its expert advisor.

洛塞生态系统位于印度尼西亚最西边的省份——亚齐省内。The Leuser ecosystem is in Aceh, Indonesia's westernmost province.

成为省内橱柜、整体家居最大的制造商之一。The whole household becomes province ambry, one of the biggest manufacturers.

省内入湖四水泥沙含量低,洲滩优势植被为莎草、柳林,家畜活动数量多,感染螺密度高。Many domestic animals are herded there and the density of infected snails is high.

黑沼泽省内的里尔莫斯,阿纳伊戈的故乡,在此过程中被摧毁了。The city of Lilmoth, Black Marsh, the home of Annaïg, is destroyed in the process.

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麦克拉克伦在英国寻找专家,而此时,阿尔伯达省内纷争继续。While MacLachlan was in England finding his experts, feuding continued in Alberta.

此次游网站是专门为省内各大中小旅游社开发的。The website is developed for all the large and small travel agencies in the province.

自今年年初以来,该组织在阿比扬省内频繁发动袭击。Since the beginning of this year, the organization in Abyan province frequent attacks.

摧毁了在阿富汗扎布尔省内的一片罂粟地,北约和美国军队穿行其间。Police walk through a field after destroying a poppy crop in Zabul province, Afghanistan.

双车道公路作为国家和省内的一般干线公路,是我国公路网中最普遍的一种公路形式。As main highway form in our country, the two-lane highway is very universal in road network.

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本文主要讨论的是黑、吉、辽三省内的东北官话的形容词生动式。In this article, we ll discuss the vivid forms of adjective in the three provinces of Dongbei.

省内4家国有独资商业银行有经营外汇的机构网点514个。Shaanxi's four state-owned commercial banks have 514 network points to handle foreign exchange.

通过与伊拉克政府合作来安排那些愿意在省内将恐怖主义分子定罪的新法官。Working with the Iraqi Government to place new judges willing to convict terrorists in the province.

该科于技术力量雄厚,在省内同级医院中处于领先地位,2006年被评为孝感市重点专科。This department has strong technical force, and the same level in the province is leading the hospital.

如果省内的工业区全部投产,环境污染将更加严重。If all the IZs in the province were filled up, environment pollution would be a great deal more serious.

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作为世界自然遗产地的张家界武陵源在省内游中自然唱起了主角。As a world natural heritage site, Wulingyuan in Zhangjiajie plays a leading role in "travel within Hunan".

因此,马利基的下一项任务就是为定于年前举行的省内选举作准备。Mr Maliki’s next job is therefore to go ahead with the provincial elections due before the end of the year.

伴随2009年春天的脚步,云南腾冲传来喜讯,省内首个股份制建设的机场——腾冲机场2月16日正式通航!With the footstep of spring in 2009 a good news came that Tang Chon Airport was opened on February 16 2009.