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一小撮绒毛能变成你的温床A bit of fluff would be your bed

他们只不过是其中的一小撮。They constitute but a handful of the number.

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一小撮死硬派企图中止改革。A few die-hards are trying to stop the reforms.

国家由一小撮封建集团统治着。The state is ruled by a handful of feudal satraps.

这些是非都是由一小撮不满分子搬弄的。All the trouble are caused by a handful of malcontent.

死心塌地跟他走的只是一小撮。Only a handful of people were dead set on following him.

蛋白加入一小撮食盐,打至硬身全发。Add a pinch of salt to the egg whites and beat until stiff.

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这些麻烦都是由一小撮不满分子造成的。All the trouble is being caused by a handful of malcontent.

它不过是一小撮银行家们与公司高层之间的勾当而已。It's just a bunch of bankers and executives doing their thing.

希勒强调,一小撮人可以给一整个团体带来潜力。Schiller stressed the potential a spot could have for a group.

一小撮信教的武士为此建立了一个指挥部。There the small band of warrior monks established a headquarters.

我维持着一个观望的距离,研究着这一小撮哀悼者。I stopped a little way off and studied the small group of mourners.

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在一小撮人眼里,胡适博士要么是劲敌,要么是难得的良友。To a few, Dr. Hu Shih is either a good enemy or a very good friend.

一次放一小撮就可以了,我家宝宝当初就是这样退黄的。Can be a handful of first place, and my family is back baby was yellow.

阿伯拉汉边说边摸著下巴的一小撮山羊胡子。Do it for me at once, " said Abraham, stroking the goatee on his chin."

一小撮不满的官员们谋反政府。A small group of dissatisfied officers intrigued against the government.

这时,安灼拉那一小撮火药似的朋友正分赴巴黎各处。He had at that moment a powder train of friends scattered all over Paris.

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一小撮亿万富翁已经开始插手立法程序。A handful of billionaires have shoved a spanner into the legislative process.

虾仁切半,用一小撮食盐和胡椒粉腌制5分钟。Cut the shrimps in half and marinate with pinchof salt and pepper for about 5 minutes.

的确有过那么一小撮战争贩子曾经发出过如此猖狂的战争叫嚣。There used to be indeed a handful of warmongers who had ever made such wild war clamor.