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这是整枝的最好时节。It's the best time to prune.

整枝是园艺植物控制生长,促进结果的主要措施。Pruning is primary measure of control growth and hasten fruiting in horticultural plant.

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本研究结果为樟子松人工林的人工整枝提供了理论基础。The results of this research could provide the theory foundation of manual pruning for P.

苹果和梨的纺锤形整枝方法,是三十年代在德国发展起来的。The spindle method of training apple and pear trees was developed in germany in the 1930's.

由此看出,遥控自动整枝机值得推广使用。Because of the advantage, the remote control automatic pruning machine is worth of being used.

整枝机在绕树干螺旋上升的过程中利用链锯进行整枝。In the process of spiraling climbing around the trunk, the pruning machine is pruning by chain saw.

避让机构是自动立木整枝机切削机构上的一个重要装置。The branch-avoiding mechanism is a key equipment of cutting parts of standing tree pruning machine.

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本文还研究讨论了留营养枝与整枝棉花根系在土壤中的分布规律。The root distribution of all treatment on the different soil profile were also conducted and discussed.

基于结构化联接操作的隐检整枝联接算法也是以三元组索引为基础的。The three-tuple index structure also is the base of the holistic twig joins algorithm on structural joins.

温室内微气候条件下,不同整枝方式在很大程度上影响诸元素生理代谢活动。The results indicate that different training can affect the metabolize of mineral elements in greet degree.

为虚拟间伐、整枝等经营措施提供了可视化分析依据,也为林分和景观层次的三维可视化打下了基础。It will be useful for virtual thinning and pruning, and 3D virtual simulation at stand and landscape levels.

主蔓第二、三雌花留瓜,建议二蔓或三蔓整枝。Lord tendril in the second and third female flowers stay melons, suggest two or three tendril pruning tendril.

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自行研制了自动立木整枝机离合弹簧的性能测试的软硬件系统,并通过了实际应用验证,具有很好的精度。Designed software and hardware system used to test ability of clutch spring, which had high precision by actual using validation.

为此,笔者在日光温室和塑料大棚中进行了不同播种期、不同栽植密度、不同整枝方式和不同留果节位的对比试验。The different sowing date, planting density, vine training, and fruit setting node under greenhouse and plastic house were investigated.

简化整枝早打主茎顶心增加了叶枝结铃数,且单铃重和衣分略有提高。Earlier top shoot nipping of main stem could increase the number of bolls on vegetative branches, average weight per boll and lint percent.

对运用基于包含段的隐检整枝联接算法查询XML流数据也提出了一个解决框架。It develops a solution framework for the XML data streams queries using the holistic twig joins algorithm on containment segment partitions.

而屈株法整枝于主干之新梢上,著果可维持较低部位,操作管理方便。The advantage of branch bending method was while pruning new shoots of main branch could lower fruit set and facilitate guava orchard management.

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当果实大小调整作物负荷,撞回修剪整枝和刺激了更多的调整,果实大小比肢体延长修剪。When fruit size was adjusted for crop load, stubbing back pruning and spur pruning had greater adjusted fruit size than did limb renewal pruning.

探讨了种植密度和整枝方式对抗虫杂交组合的产量和主要经济性状的影响。Effects of density treatments and pruning modes on yield and main economic characters for hybrid cotton resistance to bollworm were studied in this paper.

本文首先介绍了遥控式立木整枝机的工作原理,并分析了设计避让机构的必要性。This thesis first introduced the working principles of the remote control pruning machine, And proposed the necessity to design the branch-avoiding mechanism.