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哈哈,让我们拭目以待吧。Ha-ha. Let's wait and see.

好吧,那我可要拭目以待了。Okay. I'm going to watch for that.

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祝你好运吧,我们将拭目以待.Good luck, we'll see how that goes.

你的话是真是假,我拭目以待。I will wait see your words is true.

至于卡萨诺和帕齐尼是否更为出色,我们将拭目以待。We'll see if Pazzini and Cassano are better.

所以我对新赛季毕比的改变拭目以待。Beebe for the new season of change wait and see.

我们拭目以待WS-15是否真像所赞誉的一样。Now let's see WS-15 is really what it touts itself to be.

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翡翠绿洲又卖“半价”?下月拭目以待!Feitsui oasis also sell "half-price"? Next month wait and see!

让我们拭目以待詹姆斯对于诺维茨基在第四节具有侵略性的防守吧。Look for Miami to sic James on Nowitzki in the fourth quarter.

能够达到多大的触敏度还要拭目以待。Just how much tactile acuity can be achieved remains to be seen.

让我们拭目以待,共同等待激情时刻的到来!Let us wait for, waits for together the fervor time the arrival!

至于这是否会在很大程度上遏制打金业还要拭目以待。Whether it will greatly curtail gold farming remains to be seen.

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咱们也许能信任唐和佩拉伯还需求拭目以待。WhetIT or not we can trust Don or Penrab remains to be easysting.

让我们拭目以待,看Verlinde和他的支持者将作何反应。It'll be interesting to see how Verlinde and his supporters respond.

这一刻,让我们共同关注,让我们拭目以待,让我们一起高歌欢舞。This moment, let us concern, let us wait and see, let us sing dance.

让我们拭目以待这位曾经青涩的花样男子,在舞台上掀动起更狂热的王者之风。In the future, let's expect him to whip up hotter craze at the stage.

哪种改革会最终成为现实,我们仍然拭目以待。It remains to be seen what kinds of reforms will actually materialise.

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在这些新的开放源代码项目成形之前,我们需要拭目以待。Until these new open source projects take shape, not much can be said.

他有着一个很有卖点的故事,但具体能走多远还需拭目以待。He has a sellable story, but whether he can deliver remains to be seen.

这些代表我们和我们的研究的学者们将如何在节目中展现性学研究,我们还拭目以待。It remains to be seen how The Sex Researchers represent us and our work.