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骨性颅腔,脑组织不可压缩。Brain tissue can't compress in bony cranial cavity.

封闭的颅腔内急性脑肿胀是非常危险的。Acute brain swelling in the closed cranial cavity is serious.

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矢状位AC-PC与颅腔体积呈正相关关系。There was positive correlation between the AC-PC and skull volume.

提升者们正增大身体尺寸并扩张颅腔。Those who are ascending are massing out in body size and the cranium is expanding.

克里斯托弗颅腔底部的脊柱折断了,颈部以下瘫痪。Christopher had broken his spinal cord near the base of his skull, resulting in paralysis from the neck down.

我们报道了第一个例自发耳原性颅腔积气患者,表现为意识状态的迅速恶化。We present the first case of spontaneous otogenic pneumocephalus presenting with a rapid deterioration in conscious level.

疾病包括良性及恶性肿瘤,先天性疾病,特异性炎症等,都累及颅腔。The diseases included benign and malignant tumor, congenital disease, specific infection, which were all related to cranium.

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介绍颅腔、胸腔和腹腔脏器损伤的特点和处理原则。The characteristics of injury of cranial cavity, thoracic cavity, abdominal cavity, and immediate treatment are recommended in this paper.

如果存在或怀疑筛状板损伤,应经口留置胃管,以防胃管误插入颅腔。If the cribriform plate is fractured or a fracture is suspected, the gastric tube should be inserted orally to prevent intracranial passage.

而重建手术的目的在于移除所有的感染源,确实阻隔颅腔及鼻腔间的通道,以及修复额部的复合式组织缺损。The purposes of reconstructive surgery are removal of all infection sources, separation of cranial content from nasal cavity and composite tissue repair.

经电脑断层扫描,发现头部有一巨大肿瘤,范围包括鼻咽部、鼻窦腔、下颌腔及颅腔。CT scan was performed and a large tumor mass was noted. The area of the tumor included nasopharyngeal speace. maxillary sinus. ethmoid sinus and cranial fossa.

手术结束,伤员终于推出手术室,医生说病人颅腔受到伤害,手术过后暂时没有办法移动。End of the operation, the wounded finally introduced the operating room, the doctor said the patient cranial cavity is hurt, temporarily cant move after surgery.

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自发耳原性的颅腔积气比较罕见,过去认为主要表现为轻微的头痛、失语症和认知障碍等症状。Spontaneous orogenic pneumocephalus is a rare condition and was previously understood to present with subtle symptoms of headache, aphasia and cognitive deficits.

结果颅鼻沟通瘤25例,其中鼻腔、副鼻窦与颅腔沟通者10例,鼻咽部与颅内沟通者15例。Result Among the 25 cases, 10 cases were intracranial tumors invading nasal cavity and paranasal sinus, the rest 15 cases were intracranial tumors invading nasopharynx part.

然后关闭的颅腔内用香蕉树叶,这个洞头将保持,留下的大脑头骨保护在剩下的病人的生命。The cranial cavity is then closed with the use of banana leaves but the hole in the head will remain, leaving brain unprotected by the skull for the rest of the patient's life.

通常两个脑半球填充颅腔,4.5厘米厚,但是这位同学只有不到1毫米厚的脑组织覆盖在脊柱的顶端。Instead of two hemispheres filling the cranial cavity, some 4.5 centimetres deep, the student had less than 1 millimetre of cerebral tissue covering the top of his spinal column.

这种情况会产生硬膜血肿,也就是血液充满大脑外膜和颅腔,压迫大脑本身。This can lead to something called an epidural haematoma, where blood builds up between the outer covering of the brain and the skull, with consequent pressure on the brain itself.