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痛苦孕育着勇气。Pain nourishes courage.

之所以孕育出这么伟大在人。In the gestate so great.

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剧痛孕育了狂喜。Transport is taught by throe.

花朵是从蓓蕾孕育而开放的。A blossom develops from a bud.

他们不用孕育或哺乳。They don't gestate or lactate.

春,是孕育的季节。Spring, is the season of gestating.

祝你的妻子为你孕育许多子女。May your wife bear you many children.

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爱里面是有孕育力,一颗纯洁的火种。In that love is the greatness of being.

孕育幼芽的枝条伸展着扇子招摇。The budding twigs spread out their fan.

——行将就木的恒星孕育出稀薄的球状气云。Dying star spawns rare, round gas cloud.

其实,很多时候,它所孕育的是恐惧。Too often, in fact, what it breeds is fear.

您的苦求孕育发作不对,请重试!Your last request failed, please try again.

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个人利益也能孕育出合作。Cooperation can emerge out of self-interest.

不够尊重孕育进步的过程。Not respecting the gestation of improvement.

海河,孕育了天津这座城市奔放且坦荡的本性。Haihe River, breeds up the cradle of Tianjin.

在它的内部孕育着危机的种子。It carried within it the seeds of its crisis.

把孕育它们的胎盘变成荒坟。Making their tomb the womb wherein they grew?

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你承受的痛苦里将会孕育赞美。Your praises will be birthed from your pains.

我们应如何赞美妳,谁是妳孕育而出?。How shall we extol thee, who are born of thee?

这两种文化都是孕育出来的河流。Both of the two cultures are gestated by rivers.