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五个两手伸平展开的长度。The length of five arm spans.

茎平展的白色绢毛。Stems spreading white sericeous.

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请把地图平展在地面上。Spread a map flat on the ground, please.

叶片较窄,平展而细长,略下披,节间较长。It has slender leaves and long internode.

一具老妇人的尸体平展着放在桌子上。The body of an old woman was stretched on the table.

花朵低垂铃形或平展,花径达3-8厘米。Flowers nodding , campanulate or spreading , 3-8cm across.

找一块平展的草地,挖一个五角星的洞进去,用尿灌满它。On a flat lawn, dig a pentacle hole, then fill it with urine.

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尽管舌根抬起,但是它还是保持平展,感觉几乎是平的。This stays wide, almost flat-feeling, even though it does come up.

不要折叠和装订简历,使用一个大信封,平展的寄出去。Do not fold or staple the resume. Send it flat in a large envelope.

马铃薯植株表现出正常的生长习性,有平展的叶子。The potato plants show their normal habit of growth with flat leaves.

使用这个工具你能够只需要点击几下鼠标即可平展复杂物件。Using this tool you can unwrap Complex Objects with just a few clicks.

每当落下的时候,它的翅膀平展开来,颜色清楚地展现出来。Each time it lands, its wings stop flapping and their colours come into focus.

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花朵呈直立平展,花径达5厘米,4个或5到6个萼片,白色。Flowers upright , spreading, up to 5cm across. Tepals 4, sometimes 5or6, white.

让我们介绍一些对铅笔的体色转变,但此刻看起来平展。Let's introduce some color variation on the pencil's body, it looks flat right now.

结果表明,叶片平展对卷曲为显性,卷叶植株受两对隐性基因控制。The results show that the flag leaf roll trait is controlled by two recessive genes.

本种的特点为花瓣平展,不同于其它凤仙花。The characteristic that this planting is petaline open and flat, unlike other balsamine.

预祝公益桥梁——第一届丰良国际艺术和平展圆满成功!Wish the 1st session of Feng Liang International Art Exhibition on Peace a great success.

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呼气,还原到起始姿势,拉两肩胛骨平展。On the exhale return to the starting position, pulling your shoulder blades down the back.

快速平展当前所选在单个单元片内的面并且花费时间来驰放。Quickly unwraps the current face selection into a single shell and relaxes it a few times.

该表包含整个层次结构的所有可能数据列的平展联合。The table contains the flattened union of all possible data columns for the whole hierarchy.