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小人物,也有出头天。Even a dog has its day.

小人物和小人物的战争。War between small potatos.

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就为了杀一个小人物?So you could kill a nobody.

伟大的人物总是愿意当小人物。A geat man is always willing to be little.

他似乎是一个没有烦事的小人物。He seemed to be a little man without a care.

他们是一些自以为了不起的小人物。They are nobodies who think they are somebodies.

我们不应该轻视任何人,即使他是一个小人物。We shouldn't slight anybody even if he's a nobody.

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他在作品中表达了对小人物的悲悯之情。In his work, he expresses his sympathy for nobodies.

令人讨厌的小人物身上有着愚蠢的一致性。A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds.

对小人物要友善,因为你便是其中之一。Be nice to the little people. You're still one of them.

刘松仁为平淡小人物,为有钱人打工。Enthusiasm for flat small people, work for the wealthy.

惠特福德先生高高在上,从来不注意小人物。Mr. Whitford stands aloof from any notice of small fry.

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丁丁是“比外形高大的恶棍聪明的小人物”。He is “the clever little guy who outsmarts big bullies”.

其实就我们所知,他只是个冒充大人物的小人物而已。As much as we know, he is only nobody posing as somebody.

他们眼下在做的事非常有意思,其热情和干劲也颇具感染力,他们是默默无名的小人物。Their passion and energy is contagious. They are underdogs.

她对待大小人物一样和颜悦色。She shows the same kind manner towards great and small alike.

我是个微不足道的小人物,无意乞求怜悯或将之暴露给别人。I was a nobody and not inclined to beg for mercy or to show it.

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总而言之,这个小人物的紧凑剧情让它变得无比鲜活。It's a tight little character arc that fleshes out a bit player.

两条腿的我是个微不足道的小人物,而一条腿的我成了声名显赫的大人物。With two legs I had been a nobody. With one leg, I was somebody.

在大人物打仗的时候,这些小人物却相安无事。The little guys got along just fine while the big guys were fighting.