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炉火炽烈。The stove is burning fiercely.

他以炽烈的焦急心情倾耳细听。He listened with ardent anxiety.

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她炽烈的眼神又在我心中燃烧着。Her blazing eyes burn in my heart again.

撒旦站在炽烈的湖边。This is Satan standing by the fiery lake.

关得最紧的火,燃烧得最炽烈。Fire thats closest kept burns most of all.

关得最紧的火,燃烧得最炽烈。Fire that's closest kept burns most of all.

炎黄坚毅的热血,如炽烈的圣火。Chinese blood of fortitude, like the burning holy fire.

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炽烈的光阴把汗水滴到花盆中把花儿浇透。In sweltering hot days, water your flower by your sweat.

东京的秋天,以银杏树炽烈的色彩为标志。Autumn in Tokyo, marked by blazing colors on gingko trees.

如今太阳连同冥王星与炽烈的火星同在你的命宫内形成合相,阵容何等强大!The Sun now joins Pluto and fiery Mars in your sign. What a lineup!

卫星的碎片有可能会在炽烈的摩擦中幸存下来。And pieces of the satellite will probably survive the fiery breakup.

确实,她的橄榄色的皮肤使人想起南方及其炽烈的热情。Her olive skin suggested, indeed, the south with its burning passion.

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在炽烈的热浪里,我们在堵车长龙边站了差不多3个小时。We sat in the traffic jam off and on for about 3 hours, in the blazing heat.

一个形容憔悴、肤色苍白、眼窝深陷的少女用一双深色的眼睛看着她,眼神炽烈。A gaunt, hollow-eyed maid with white skin and dark, burning eyes gazed back at her.

初恋吟唱着青春炽烈的激情,上演着我们青涩的成熟。First love is singing about vernal blazing passion, performing our young maturation.

而后,他又想起了她的面容,一阵炽烈难耐的欲望,迫他极想一个人耽上一会儿。Then the memory of her face came back and with it a raging intolerable desire to be alone.

天气,依旧炎热,秋阳炽烈而明媚,周遭蒸腾着一股焦热而炙烤的气息。The weather is hot, sunny, autumn sun blazing, around a coke thermal transpiration and burn.

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闪耀着宝石般的光焰炽烈地燃烧,并且不断保持着这种精神亢奋的状态,乃是生命的胜利。To burn always with this hard , gem-like flame, to maintain this ecstasy, is success in life.

而扶手领地的战役在使用手提电脑的时期将会演变得更加的炽烈。The battle for armrest dominance has grown ever more intense in the era of the laptop computer.

先知的话语感情炽烈,若受神启,但除此之外,还有什么能佐证确有来世?What evidence beyond the Prophet's blazing and divinely inspired words proves that there is a next?