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我感觉很麻木.I feel numb.

自我感觉安全。We feel safe.

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这种感觉真好。Feels so good.

你感觉良好。You feel good.

感觉想睡了?Feeling sleepy?

这个感觉湿湿的。This feels wet.

这就是感觉。This is feeling.

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你们感觉受骗了吧?Ah, I tricked you.

土状一个感觉。An earthy feeling.

你感觉不懂吗?Can't you feel it?

你感觉疲倦吗?Do you feel tired?

我感觉很幸福。I feel so blessed.

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我感觉不舒服,我感冒了。I'm not. I have a.

感觉很冷淡。it feels very cold

啊,我感觉不舒服。Aaaah, I feel sick.

我感觉非常虚弱。I feel really weak.

它感觉不到威胁。It feels no threat.

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真的是感觉一身轻。It is like a light.

那是我的感觉。That is my feeling.

穿出混搭的感觉。Wear a mix feeling.