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这些甲虫顺着地道建造香肠形状的产房。These beetles make sausage-shaped brood chambers along the tunnels.

它也是牙医和产房使用的一种常见麻醉剂。It is also a common anaesthetic, used by dentists and in maternity wards.

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我刚出生,护士就把我从产房里抱走了,她未能看到我。When I was delivered, nurses took me from the room before she could see me.

她二十日进产房准备分娩,二十一日婴儿就出生了。She was confined on the twentieth and the baby was born on the twenty-first.

医院的产房里充满了妇女生产的痛苦叫声。The hospital maternity ward was full of the tortured cries of women giving birth.

小猪从出生到3-4周大的时候,这段时间小猪和母猪是在产房里度过的。From birth to 3-4 weeks of age, the piglets are with the sow in the farrowing house.

大多数婴儿都出生在一个产房内,近四分之三个世纪过去了,这个房间几乎没有什么变化。Most births occur in a labor room barely changed in some three-quarters of a century.

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这间产房配备了白色的沙发,一台苹果电脑,一间私人厨房和两台纯平电视。The suite featured white sofas, a Mac computer, private kitchen and two flat-screen TVs.

结论在家庭化产房实施严格的医院感染管理是可行的。CONCLUSION It is feasible to carry out the strict management of nosocomial infection in LDR.

自1952年美国弗吉尼亚•阿普加博士发明以来,阿普加评分就一直应用于产房。It has been used in the delivery room since it was devised by American Dr Virginia Apgar in 1952.

他说,男性伴侣出现在产房给产妇造成的伤害有时是长期的。The damage caused by a male partner’s presence in the labour suite was sometime long-term, he said.

母猪和它的窝仔都被关在产房里直到仔猪9-14天年龄时。The sows and litters were kept in the farrowing house until the pigs were about 9 to 14 days of age.

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而现在似乎太多的人涌进产房,都快可以收门票了。But now it seems that so many people are crowding into the delivery suite you could almost sell tickets.

她顺着光亮的地板消失了,玛丽修女推着婴儿车走进了产房。She sailed off down the polished corridor. Sister Mary, wheeling her bassinet, entered the delivery room.

说完撵着几个孩子回去后,吩咐奴才架起屏风就进了产房。Finish saying the Nian wears behind a few kids return to, order slave the shade entered to produce building.

我被告知,根据医院的政策,产妇需要做手术的时候,丈夫不允许待在产房里。I was told that hospital policy did not permit fathers in the delivery room when an operation was necessary.

该病例发生于一名在雅加达一所医院的产房从事助产士工作的29岁妇女。The case occurred in a 29-year-old woman who worked as a midwife at the maternity ward in a Jakarta hospital.

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中国护士和产房里播放的午夜电台里的中文流行音乐就成了他最初的语言启蒙。So his first influences were Chinese nurses and the sound of Mandopop on the night-shift radio in the newborn unit.

公司位于广州经济开发区东区,占地13,000多平方米,拥有花园式的现代化产房。Located in the eastern section of GETDD, it is a garden-like modern factory that covers an area of 13,000 square meters.

雌性大熊猫怀孕4-5个月左右,就急着寻找树洞或石穴作为“产房”,它每胎产1-2仔。Female pandas pregnant 4-5 months, anxious to find tree holes or caves as a "maternity ward", which every births Aberdeen 1-2.