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他不能委派代表来指挥。He can't delegate command.

委派他任上尉。He was accredited captain.

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委派他赴一新团任职。He was gazetted to a new regiment.

她委派我当她的助手。She deputized me as her assistant.

委派为代表参加会议。He was delegated to the convention.

我们委派谁担任主席呢?Who shall we appoint as chairperson?

解决方案就是委派这个难题。The solution is to delegate the problem.

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杰米被委派为负责收取饭费的班长。Jimmy has been made dinner money monitor.

主教没有委派一个继任人。The bishop had appointed no successor to him.

委派可用于定义回呼方法。Delegates can be used to define callback methods.

我和诺曼被委派去干这件苦差事。Norman and I were deputed for the unpleasant task.

他说他的政府没有委派什么代表。He said his government hadn't appointed any delegates.

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在总理离开期间他被委派为代理总理。He was deputized as premier during the premier's absence.

我们必须立即委派一名新教师到那山村小学去。We must appoint a new teacher at once to the mountain school.

渔业官员已经开始委派指导员到学校。Fishery officials have started sending instructors to schools.

那么,燃气公司亦不会委派或委托的。So, company burning gas also won't accreditation or precatory.

总理委派外交部长作为他的代表。The Premier deputed the Foreign Minister to act as his deputy.

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如果主进程停掉,则委派其他服务器作为主进程。If the master goes down, another server is delegated as master.

各位公民,我即将担当起你们委派给我的职务。I repair, then, fellow-citizens, to the post you have assigned me.

企业会计主管的性质与“会计人员委派制”问题。The nature of firms controller and the appointment of accountants.