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毕加索的艺术,是一般大众高不可攀的东西。Picasso's art is caviare to the general.

“这一目标并非高不可攀。”她补充道。“That goal is not unattainable,” she adds.

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他的脑子里总是想一些高不可攀的目标。He always has unattainable goals in his mind.

必要的时候,高不可攀和令人惊讶会出现。High-flown and amazing will come in due time.

高额烟草税不总能让烟价高不可攀。But high taxes do not always mean expensive cigarettes.

他素来不把品德问题提到高不可攀的地步,也从不向远处去找他的论据和范例。He never went far in search of his arguments and his examples.

高不可攀的塔从尘土飞扬的泥土表面伸出来。Unreachable towers protrude upwards from the dusty, earthy surface.

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在一个趋向两极化和诋毁成风的年代,这似乎是一个高不可攀的志向。In an age of polarization and vilification this may seem a lofty aspiration.

当“自我成就”的标准是那么高不可攀时,“自我接受”也变得无从谈起了。When the standards for selfhood are beyond reach, self-acceptance is futile.

我们实在想象不出,为什么全世界都认为格温妮丝·帕特洛的形象高不可攀。We can't imagine why all the world perceives Gwyneth Paltrow as inaccessible.

“夫人走进来了,”她说,“跟个冰柱似的,冷冰冰的,又像个公主似的高不可攀。Missis walked in', she said, `as chill as an icicle, and as high as a princess.

但这种解决方案的成本对于小型的独立出版商来说是高不可攀的。But the cost of such solutions can be out of reach for smaller, independent publishers.

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大约只有二十米高,但在我眼中却是高不可攀的险峰。Only about twenty meters in height, but in my eyes is too high to be reached to the peak.

自从她来到芝加哥,城里的许多东西深深吸引了她,但那些东西对她来说总是高不可攀。Since her arrival in the city many things had influenced her, but always in a far-removed manner.

但是,老百姓可以把这些高不可攀的洋货低俗化、民间化。However, these privileged foreign games are being simplified and popularized among average people.

然而他是那么的耀眼,那么高不可攀,所以选择了沉默,像静水那样的沉默。However, he was so dazzling, so unattainable, so I chose to remain silent, like calm water, as silence.

奢华---于常人而言似乎高高在上,带着高不可攀的冷硬面孔傲视世人。Luxury—to common people, it seems high above and to look down at common people with an unattainable cold face.

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像许多高中女生那样,我首先约会的总是那些高不可攀的男生。Like many young girls in high school, the boys whom I knew were impossible were always the first ones I had to date.

雅思妙想,高不可攀,致力完美,精益求精,海沐皇电器,高雅精致,一流产品。QUALITY Brilliant ideas, unattainable, pursuing perfection, strive for Excellent. The products are fine and classic.

问题是,追溯到出厂日期的起落架基本上不可行,因此,其价格就已经翻番甚至高不可攀。"The problem is, 'back-to-birth' gears are seldom available, " Lacey explained, "so their price can be double or treble.