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这种害怕让我望而却步。It kind of scared me off it.

你方价格高得令人望而却步。Your price is on the high side.

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这种冒险事业的不安全性使投资者望而却步。The insecurity of the venture kept investors away.

缺乏自然科学常识足以使我的朋友望而却步了。The lack of hard science is enough to scare off my friend.

然而路由器的高昂价格却令许多需求者望而却步。But the high price of it makes a lot of demanders hang back.

如果他们把马蹄铁挂在门的上方,女巫便会望而却步。If they hang a horseshoe above a door, witches cannot enter.

一些安居工程也因为位置不当使得申请者望而却步。The unsuitable location of some projects keeps applicants at bay.

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这些房子很难看,使许多潜在的买主望而却步。The plainness of these houses discourages many prospective buyers.

由于该网站的流行,此举并未能使开发者望而却步。Thanks to the site's popularity, that has not held developers back.

不过对初学者来说,“冥想”这个词让人望而却步。The word "meditation, " however, tends to be daunting to beginners.

孩子们,你们一个有401K’s的也没有吧,你们对那个东西甚至都望而却步了。Boy, none of you have 401k's, you're not even wincing at that thing.

提出帮助他,但是他那种凶狠瞪视的目光使我们望而却步。We wanted to offer help, but the fierce glare on his face stopped us.

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有时,昂贵的维护成本或楼顶的承重限制也使人们望而却步。Sometimes, higher maintenance cost or roofs unable to handle the weight.

或许节食者们都在梦中追求平时望而却步的满汉全席。Perhaps dieters are seeking out their shunned treats in regular nightly escapes.

消费者只能在他们动辄数千美元的高昂价格面前望而却步。Consumers balk at their heavy price tags, which typically run into the thousands.

黑色平底的山羊皮长靴和羊毛衫让秋凉望而却步。Her flat black suede boots and cardigan help make this cooler weather appropriate.

唐易安的属下常副官想把它买下来,可是高昂的价格使他望而却步。Tang's subordinate Chang thought of buying it, but balked at the price they asked.

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商学院未来25年所面临的挑战令人望而却步。The challenges that B-schools will face over the next quarter-century are daunting.

许多地区政局不稳甚至充满危险,更让投资者望而却步。Many regions are also politically unstable or dangerous, further dissuading investors.

在以简洁为主题的工作环境中,大图片、视频、大网页将再也不会令访问者望而却步。Large graphics, videos, and unfitted page content will surely cause visitors to cringe.