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可现在的我们听起来阴暗,坏兆头啊Now, that sounds dark to us, ominous.

那是个坏兆头傻大胆儿开玩笑吗?。It's bad mojo , bro. Are you kidding me?

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那些暴风雨前的乌云对野餐是个坏兆头。Those stormy clouds augur ill for a picnic.

这是个好的兆头,说明这些卵泡是健康的。That's a good sign that these follicles are healthy.

黄鼠狼和猫成亲,这是一个危险的兆头。When the weasel and cat make a marriage, it is a very ill presage.

我们只能及时地发现,但是BIS本周作出的让步却是个不好的兆头。We will only find out in time, but the BIS compromise this week was a bad sign.

现在我荣幸地告诉大家这次拍卖的兆头不错拍卖现在开始!I am now honored to say that all auguries for this auction are excellent. Let us begin!

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当吉亚奎洛递给她一个玩具时,她顺利且自然地抓住了它,这是一个好的兆头。When Giacino hands her a toy ball, she grabs it, smoothly and naturally. It is a good sign.

眼下约翰基正和行动党打得火热,这是更多新西兰国有资产将被列入出售名单的又一个兆头。Now John Key is cosying up to Act, another indication that more Kiwi assets are on the line.

分析家一致认为,制造业明媚的前景是一个良好的经济兆头。Analysts agreed that the sunnier outlook in the manufacturing sector was a good economic omen.

蛇,被千古罪人岁的象征邪恶或撒旦,使一个坏兆头有一个显示在一个梦想。A snake, being the ages old symbol of evil or satan, makes it a bad omen to have one show up in a dream.

相反,如果切尔西的前景一旦有一点点幽暗或厄运的兆头,我都会敏感的抓住。On the contrary, if there's an opportunity to be gloomy and doom-laden about Chelsea's prospects, I tend to grab it.

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那么试试在未来两周对自己讲讲我的故事吧,我敢肯定,你会看到很多幸运的兆头。Try telling yourself this story for the next two weeks, and I bet you will notice a whole new realm of possibilities.

保罗的回归也给喜爱他的球迷们带来好的兆头,这样看来他出席凤凰城全明星赛的机率将大大增加。Paul's return to action against Boston also increased the likelihood he would play in Sunday's All-Star game in Phoenix.

这是一个坏兆头——注入海水以及硼酸是防止熔化的最后防线,海水中的盐分会侵蚀机械。That's a bad sign--it's a last-ditch effort to prevent a meltdown, as the salt in the seawater will corrode the machinery.

看哪,我和永恒主所赐给我的孩子在以色列中都作为豫兆和兆头,都是由住在锡安山的万军之永恒主所豫定的。Here am I, and the children the Lord has given me. We are signs and symbols in Israel from the Lord Almighty, who dwells on Mount Zion.

看哪,我和永恒主所赐给我的孩子在以色列中都作为豫兆和兆头,都是由住在锡安山的万军之永恒主所豫定的。Here am I, and the children the Lord has given me. We are signs and symbols in Israel from the Lord Almighty , who dwells on Mount Zion.

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不断减少误差是个很好的兆头,这至少在一段长时间里所获得的一种进步,且最后的结果必然是深入人心的。The decreasing error is a nice reminder, and acts as a sort of progress meter during long runs. But, the final result is what is impressive.

协议中不包括花旗庞大的信用卡业务和海外放贷业务,花旗的信用卡透支拖欠情况正在迅速恶化,海外贷款也有不祥的兆头。Absent from the arrangement are Citigroup's giant credit-card business, where defaults have been rapidly piling up, and its overseas lending operations, which also are showing signs of stress.