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他决然不参与那种鬼祟的阴谋活动。He wanted no part in that hole-and-corner conspiracy.

但是现在新一波的拉美裔移民则断然决然地坚持使用西班牙语。But the new Hispanics are determinedly sticking to Spanish.

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但是,在凯文•林奇的城市意象研究中,我们并没有看到这种决然的二元对立。However, such a definite contrariety cannot be found in Kevin Lynch's study of Urban Image.

感情和情绪是决然地布尔乔亚的,所以你得发明一个无感情无情绪的人。Feelings and emotions are also so decidedly bourgeois that you have to invent a man without them.

阳光隐藏起来,不肯露出它的脸对我笑,像极了你决然转过头不看我。Hide the sun, refused to reveal its face to me laugh, like you do not decisively turned my watch.

纳闷时我记起这个房间里还有一个门,我决然走进去,把门打开。Then I remembered that there was another door in the room, so I went back in and opened the door.

我们认为现实中的凯特与童话里的灰姑娘是两个决然不同的角色。We believe that the reality of Kate and the fairy tale Cinderella are two decidedly different roles.

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中国已经决然地从世界经济的紧缩因素变成通胀因素。China has turned decisively from being a deflationary to an inflationary factor in the world economy.

苔丝没有委曲求全,甘当玩物,而是决然分开了亚雷,这又说明她是一个全新的富有对抗肉体的新女性。Her not stoop to compromise demonstrated that Tess was the figure of a new woman with the rebellious spirit.

数百名警察决然地用警察棍向公园中的群众开始攻击,受攻击的群众则开始投掷石块、高声辱骂或干脆逃跑。Hundreds of police waded into the crowd with nightsticks, as their targets threw rocks, shouted curses, or ran.

艾丽把夜犬送到了刘家,夜犬知道八妹正在等着自己,便决然地与艾丽告别。Ali, the night sent to liu, night eight younger sister is waiting for his dogs know, decisively to ali, goodbye.

我们看到在有机世界中,在思想变得更加暗淡和虚弱的时候,优雅就出现得更加辉煌而决然。We see that in the organic world, as thought grows dimmer and weaker, grace emerges more brilliantly and decisively.

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笛卡尔认为——在对“我思”的证明中——心灵与有形的物体必然是决然不同的。Descartes insisted – as part of his proof of the ‘cogito’ – that the mind must be utterly distinct from corporeal things.

竹根即使被埋在地下无人得见,也决然不会停止探索而力争冒出新笋。Bamboo root even buried in the ground and no one to see, also could not stop exploring and try to come up with new shoots.

这个梦的关键是机会均等﹐但光有机会还是决然不够的﹐要成功还得有聪明才智﹐肯勤奋工作﹐能不屈不挠。Equal chance is the key to it. However, this will never be enough unless one is intelligent, hard-working and persevering.

中华民族因为有当今这样的国家领导人、这样的炎黄子孙,决然会创造出更加辉煌灿烂的明天!Because the Chinese nation have now such national leader, such Chinese people, will create resplendence tomorrow decidedly !

竹根——即使被埋在地下无人得见,也决然不会停止探索而力争冒出新笋。Bamboo root, even if buried in the ground no one may see, and decisively won't stop exploring and strive for new bamboo shoots.

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结果,他决然选择了到准备担负援朝作战任务的13兵团任副司令员。As a result, he is unquestionably chose to prepare for combat task of signing toward appointed deputy commander of the 13 corps.

你是否愿意马上从绚丽梦境中醒来从此决然踏上一条时时以自己的心结为敌的刀客之路?Would you wake up from dreams away from the beautiful decisively embarked on a from time to time my heart knot enemy militia road?

前两天看到一篇文章,写的是去年的事,一个年仅13岁的少年以一种决然的姿势,面朝大海,纵身从高空飞下。A couple of days ago to see an article written last year, and a 13-year-old boy in a position decisively, jump from a height under fly.