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高保你有否听过我那新作的诗歌?D'y'hear my latest poem Goldbook?

他的另一部新作马上要开战首映。He's got a new movie opening soon.

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这是为他的新作求名的手段。This is a ploy to gain publicity for his new book.

我们要去看布利顿的歌剧新作。We is go to see the new production of an opera by briton.

她关于日本女性的新作将于2010年出版。Her new book about women in Japan will be published in 2010.

关于麦克埃文先生的新作有几点值得一提。There are several things to be said about Mr McEwan’s latest work.

在这本新作中,哈里森巧妙地理顺了那些纷繁复杂的争论。In this new book, Harrison brilliantly disentangles complex debates.

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新年伊始,那名新作家就成了名流新宠。The new author has become a celebutante since the beginning of the year.

新作在作画时,我选用了纯粹的黑色,和暗蓝为主题的色调。When I paint it, I choose the pure black and dark blue as primary color.

现在,这本他的新作在波兰出版后,引发了对历史的新的争论。Now his latest book, newly published in Polish, has caused a fresh rumpus.

香港电影导演许鞍华在她的恐怖片新作剪去一场鬼戏。Ann Hui, a Hong Kong moviemaker, has cut a ghost scene from her new thriller.

目前,哈比森最喜欢的一幅新作是一片蓝天和一座长满绿草的花园。His favourite new painting features only a blue sky and a garden full of green grass.

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吉尔先生的合作者认为他的新作和以往的作品并没有很大的背离。Mr. Gilb’s collaborators say they do not necessarily see his new work as a major departure.

在新作中出演相原琴子的是女演员兼模特出身的未来穗香。Appeared in the new phase of original piano child actress and model is the future of the ear.

这些故事都很温馨——而托宾先生对他带来的每本新作都能给出更确定的声音。These stories are sweet—and Mr Tóibín’s voice more assured with every new book he brings out.

同时,也必然会有不少作者挥洒笔墨撰写新作,一究本次诸多暴乱的根源事由。And much new ink will inevitably be spilt over the roots and causes of these latest outbursts.

唐楷之的新作进一步阐述并扩展了书法的内涵。Tang Kaizhi's new work literally expands and elaborates the calligraphic substrate of his art.

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回到香港,继续剪片的工作,希望尽快完成这部戏的后期工作,让大家欣赏我的新作。Hopefully I will quickly finish post-production for the film so everyone can enjoy my new work.

游击队员们面对武装到牙齿的日军,辗转腾挪,斗智斗勇,终于消灭北辰新作。The guerrillas face armed to the teeth of the Japanese, flit, wits, finally eliminate the beichen.

应弟子遍照及王浩之提请,新作已手书成。档案附呈。As requested by disciples Pian Zhao and Wang Hao the new work is in calligraphy. The file is attached.