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他的土地已打上了界桩。His field has been staked off.

非法移动界桩的,其行为无效。The illegal movement of boundary stakes shall be invalid.

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在49淘金潮中,他在一大片土地上立了界桩。In the golden rush of 49, he succeeded in driving stake in a large piece of land.

深入解释了有效桩长的含义,指出了与临界桩长概念有区别。Meanings of effective length is thoroughly explained and distinguished from critical length.

破坏界桩、界碑罪是刑法典中的一个重要罪名。The boundary tablets and boundary makers sabotage crimes are very felon charges in the criminal code.

对损坏的界桩,由分工管理该界桩的一方在毗邻方在场的情况下修复。The damaged boundary stakes shall be repaired by the party who administers them in the presence of the adjacent party.

在工程设计中,应根据临界桩长设计垂直支护桩。In the engineering design, the perpendicular protecting piles should be designed according to the critical pile length.

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改进算法克服了原有不足,较全面反映了临界桩距与桩宽、滑体性质以及滑坡推力之间的关系。The improved formulas comprehensively reflect the relationship between critical spacing and pile' s width, landslide characteristics and slide thrust.

界线详图集表示的界线、界桩要素既要符合协议书附图的图形要求,又必须与勘界协议书的文字描述一致,结合图集编制过程,针对界线、界桩图文一致问题作了一定的剖析。The boundaries and boundary markers presented in the boundary atlas must accord with the graphic requirement of attached drawing as well as the texts in the agreement.

基于水泥土搅拌桩的荷载传递特性,提出考虑临界桩长影响的沉降计算模型。A model for determining the settlement of composite foundation is proposed based on the load transfer of soil-cement mixing piles in consideration of critical pile length.

目前工程界桩锚与土钉墙联合支护设计采用的是土钉墙与桩锚分开单独设计的思路。The current design concept of pile-anchor and soil nailing wall composite support structure is to separate pile-anchor and soil nailing wall and to design each of them independently.

路透社报道,周二中俄双方举行了国界东段界桩揭幕仪式,双方称中俄为解决全球领土争端树立了榜样。China and Russia Tuesday unveiled boundary markers delineating the eastern section of their border, hailing the agreement as an example in solving global territorial disputes, Reuters reported.

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在对中国热带农业科学院椰子研究所土地利用现状调查分析的基础上,指出当前土地管理工作中存在土地被占用和土地界桩丢失等问题。Based on the investigation and analysis of the land use status of Coconut Research Institute, problems in current land management such as land occupied and land boundary markers loss were pointed out.