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他又一次抬起头,朝旁听席望去。He looked up into the gallery again.

下议院的旁听席上坐满了人。The visitor's gallery in the House of Commons was full.

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他一出现在法庭,就向旁听席的伙伴竖起大拇指。Once in court, he gave a thumbs-up to associates in the public gallery.

努哈诺维奇是在旁听席观看的生还者之一。Hasan Nuhanovic was one of the survivors watching from the public gallery.

听证会开始前,他举起左手,向旁听席致意。The hearing started, he raised his left hand to pay tribute to the gallery.

所以,我要对诸位参议员先生,以及旁听席上的女士先生说,没有我们大家的积极协助,我。Of the Senate, and to you ladies and gentlemen in the galleries , I say that without the.

你可以找到图表概述级冠军,以及亚军,在旁听席上。You can find charts outlining the class winners, as well as the runners-up, in the gallery.

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姆拉迪奇一进入法庭,就把帽子拿下朝旁听席竖起了拇指。As soon as Ratko Mladic entered, he tipped his hat and gave a thumbs up to the public gallery.

但法庭上的公众旁听席上只有40个坐席,媒体中心有36个坐席。Only 40 seats are available in the public gallery of the courtroom and 36 in the media centre.

如果说过去中国只是一个坐在旁听席的学生,那么现在,在这个国际舞台上,中国已经是位成熟、高明的大师了。No longer shy students content to watch from the sidelines, China's have become full-fledged masters in the global arena.

旁听席挤满了媒体、支持者和人权组织,他们前来目睹这一历史事件。The public gallery was packed with press, supporters and human rights groups who'd all come to witness this historical event.

为了表明我对削减赤字的重视程度,我邀请格林斯潘和希拉里一道坐在国会旁听席的第一夫人包厢里。To show I was serious about deficit reduction, I invited Alan Greenspan to sit with Hillary in the First Lady’s box in the House gallery.

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在这些帘子另一边的旁听席,塞尔维亚屠杀的生还者称这位前塞族指挥官是屠夫。On the other side of those curtains, in the public gallery, survivors of the Srebrenica massacre were calling the former Serb commander a murderer.

说完这篇斟字酌句演讲以后,维尔福环顾了一下四周,以观察他演说词的效果好象他此刻是在法庭上对旁听席讲话似的。Having made this well-turned speech, Villefort looked carefully around to mark the effect of his oratory , much as he would have done had he been addressing the bench in open court.

在这起案件中,这位名叫托马斯·古奇的律师为被告——某汽车经销商提供辩护,他在法庭上提出动议,要求法官将原告律师的女助理从辩护席赶到旁听席上去。Attorney Thomas Gooch, who is representing a car dealership in the case, filed a motion asking the judge to order his opposing counsel's paralegal to sit in the gallery with other spectators.

当他看着女儿的证词,当他听着她的声音木质板材装饰的法庭里飘扬的时候,他把脸转向了只有两三个人的旁听席。As he watched her recorded testimonial and listened to her voice floating across the wood-panelled courtroom, he was facing away from the public gallery where two or three people were sitting.