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而是女性,”他正在时拆秀终了后暗示。Women are in control, ' he said post-show.

你知道神无起始,也无终了吗?Do you know that God has no beginning and no end?

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寒冷的天气终于在三月末终了了。The cold weather at last broke at the end of March.

那个史诗般的会合尚未终了。And that epic meeting hasn’t yet come to a conclusion.

没有要果为它的终了而哭,该当果为它的收作而笑。Don't cry because it came to an end. Smile because it heppened.

酶脱毛终了,已经观察不到基膜的线状结构存在。After enzyme unhairing, the basement membrane was not be observed.

拓海、晴美、有希这虚无缥缈的三角爱情如何终了?Sea, fine beauty extension, and the disembodied love triangle to end?

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希望似乎终了,却是丰富收获的开始。Where the end of hope is, there is the brightest beginning of fruition.

阿得勒这句话很无误,教育不能随着毕业而终了。Adler is correct in this declar that educ does not end with grpublishingu.

终了问题在您组合连贯接口类的任何时候都有可能出现。The finishing problem can arise any time you mix fluent-interface classes.

当一曲终了,我举起古琴,往石头上砸,把古琴砸坏了。When the song ended, I lifted my guqin and hit it heavily to a hard stone.

创作者在创作终了之时,选择走向了书中人物的对立一面。Having reached the end, the creator makes his choice against his characters.

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最后留在齿遐的甜味恰是终了所得。The sweetness left on the tongue is the final gain of a lifetime of struggle.

因为严格的理论要求它应该作出这样的规定,直到青春期终了为止。It ended with puberty, for the rigour of the theory demanded that it should do so.

稻谷干燥品质指标主要包括稻谷干燥终了的含水率和爆腰率。The quality index of drying rice include the water ratio and the crack ratio in the end.

一曲终了,奈妲却说,“不,我不喜欢那首歌”。"No. I don't like that song, " Naida said, when "Walkin' My Baby Back Home" had finished.

一曲终了,奈妲却说,“不,我不喜欢那首歌”。“No. I don’t like that song, ” Naida said, when “Walkin’ My Baby Back Home” had finished.

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当我听到那些唱乐曲终了的华彩句的歌手,模仿着鸟的啭鸣时,我就禁不住要笑。I could hardly keep from laughing when some of the cadenzas imitated the warbling of birds.

对话录的终了,阿希比底思了解到,他必须以审查自己的灵魂照顾自己。The dialogue ends when Alcibiades knows he must take care of himself by examining his soul.

时幽冥大军集结终了,预备发起侵略人世的第一战,攻击南越国!When army end, prepare ghost was launched the first game world, aggression against NaYueGuo!