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目的了解公安政工干部心理健康状况。Objective To understand mental health of political cadres.

只有这样,才能保证企业政工干部队伍迅速健康成长。All this will ensure rapid and sound development of enterprise political working staff.

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良好的心理素质是政工干部做好思想政治工作的前提。Psychological quality is one of the basic qualities that political work cadres should possess.

军队政工领导人把这些理论运用于实践的例子很多。Examples of the way army political leaders put these theories into practice come readily to mind.

有利于实现军队政工干部管理法制化、规范化。Is advantageous in realizes the army political work cadre to manage the legalization, the standardization.

首先要发挥高校政工干部在调适关系中的主导性作用。In the next place, the university students should also display main function in the course of relationship adjustment.

人的管理是企业管理的一个重要课题,更是政工人员工作的重要内容。Human's management is a business management important topic, is the important content which the political officers work.

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“德、识、才、学”是企业政工干部必备的基本素质。Moral character, wide experience, capability and knowledge" are political cadres essential basic qualities in enterprises."

本文就此分析了煤矿企业政工工作与人力资源管理的问题。This article has analyzed the Coal mine enterprise political work and human resources management question in light of this.

为上海以及有关省市的经济发展输送了大量政工和业务干部。Provinces and cities of Shanghai's economic development and related transport a large number of cadres Political and business.

加强高职院校政工干部队伍建设是时代发展的要求。It is demanded by the progress of the times to strengthen the team construction of administrative cadres in higher vocational colleges.

苏俄红军的政工制度成为国民党进行政治工作的模本,党代表制与政治部制是政工制度的两大组成部分。In June of 1925, the army in Guangdong province changed their names to the Nationalist Army, carried out the Kuomintang delegate system.

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目前,部分高校从事思想政治工作的政工干部兼职从事大学生的心理辅导工作。At present, some officials of ideological work in colleges and universities take also the part time job as psychology instructors for students.

构建军队政工创新体系应采用科学的逻辑与历史相统一的方法。Methods combined scientific logic with historic experiences should be used in the formulating the innovation system of political work in the army.

目前高校政工干部与大学生关系总体上处于一种和谐稳定的状态。At present, the relationship between the political superintendents of higher education and the university students in general is harmonious and stable.

随着改革的深入,林业政工干部在生存环境、工作方法和存在价值等方面面临新的挑战。With the deepening of reform, the forestry cadres of political work in the living environment, working method and existence value, is facing new challenges.

本文在探讨政工干部专业化问题时,紧密结合实践工作中存在的问题,”体现理论性与实践性相统一的特点。The article combines the discuss and the problem in practice tightly, which reflects the characteristic of the unity of theory and practice with unified practicality.

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CGMP行动计划的复合工作产品会得到良好的定位,以提供一套全面的药政工具来促进达到理想状态。The combined work products of the CGMP Initiative are positioned well to provide a comprehensive set of regulatory tools to facilitate a move towards the desired state.

高职院校应在组织和制度等方面加强建设,努力建设一支稳定、高效和高素质的政工干部队伍。Higher vocational colleges should strengthen the improvements of organization and system, thus build a stable, high-efficient and highly qualified team of administrative cadres.

简析新时期企业政工队伍应具备哪些综合素质,提出加强政工队伍建设的对策。What overall quality enterprise politics industry cadre team should possess in the new age is analyzed and the strategies of strengthening the political work force are proposed.