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她们把炸药带戴在我头上。They put it over my head.

用自己的炸药炸死自己。Hoist with one's own petard.

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然后把炸药放里面。and put bomb craters in there.

棍状TNT炸药被用作雷管。TNT sticks are used as detonators.

特屈儿是一种广泛使用的炸药。Tetryl is a widely used explosive.

炸药把窗户炸开了。The explosion blew the window open.

炸药厂招男士一名。Man wanted to work in dynamite factory.

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葛里炸药是不可随便触碰的危险材料。Gelignite eis dangerous stuff to handle.

罗伯特是怎么知道那儿有炸药的?How did Robert know about the gelignite?

忽然,炸药炸开了一个入口。Suddenly, an explosion blasts an entrance.

我还专门学过如何使用炸药。I also specialize in the use of explosives.

妈妈愿将自己装上炸药点燃。Mummy wishes I could set free you from here.

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我们往里面填满炸药,然后装上一根雷管。We stuff explosive inside, then a detonator.

暗礁都用炸药炸掉了。Hidden boulders have been removed by dynamiting.

轻装地熔断丝和奔跑,在家制造了炸药炸弹!Light the fuse and run, home made dynamite bombs!

黄铁矿与铵油炸药之间的反应被阻止了。The reaction between pyrite and ANFO is prevented.

对一种改性的RDX炸药进行了热烤实验。The Cook-off test of RDX explosive was carried out.

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提出挖通地道埋炸药将鬼子一锅端了。Dig through tunnel buried explosives would devil ones.

然而埃及也经常被看作是一个“炸药桶”。Yet the country is also often considered a powder keg.

他们用炸药将建筑物的顶部炸掉。They caved in the roof of the building with explosives.