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娘子谷是乌克兰首都基辅的一条沟壑。Babi Yar is a ravine in Kiev, the capital of Ukraine.

但问题是她看起来不像娘子,倒像个朋友。She looked like somebody we would've been friends with.

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库淑兰是中国民间剪纸艺术杰出的代表人物之一,被誉为“剪花娘子”。Ku Shulan is one of the outstanding representatives of Chinese folk paper-cut art.

从此在作品中,她都要剪一个“剪花娘子”的形象。From then on, she added a "Goddess of Paper-Cutting" image in every piece of her works.

娘子谷大屠杀被认为是尤太屠杀史上最大的一次。The Babi Yar massacre is considered to be the largest single massacre in the history of the Holocaust.

据说,阿巧在半山沟沟里遇见的白衣姑姑,就是专门掌管蚕茧年成的蚕花娘子。The lady in white whom Aqiao met in the valley was Lady Silkworm, the fairy in charge of the harvesting of silk.

阿巧在峡谷里遇见的白衣娘子就是蚕花娘子——负责生产蚕丝的仙女。The lady in white whom Aqiao met in the valley was Lady Silkworm , the fairy in charge of the harvesting of silk.

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林冲抢到五岳楼看时,见胡梯上一个年少后生把娘子拦住了不放。When Lin Ch'ung arrived at the Building of Five Mountains, he saw a young man blocking his wife's way at the stairs.

三娘子是明朝隆庆、万历年间一位杰出的蒙古族女政治家。Sanniangzi was an outstanding female politician of Mongolian nationality during Longqin and Wanli time in Ming Dynasty.

白衣娘子教阿巧怎样从茧中抽出闪闪发光的丝来,以及怎样给丝染上各种颜色。The lady in white taught aqiao how to reel the shining silk from these cocoons and how to dye the silk different colors.

这一日,林冲带了娘子张氏和使女锦儿,来酸枣门外狱庙里烧香还愿。One day, Lin Ch'ung took his wife, Mrs. Lin, and their maidservant, Chin Erh, to a temple outside of Sour Date City Gate.

娘子?赶紧把这小妮子打发走了实在,好在他还真有事要吩咐她去办上一办。Niang son?Hurriedly beat this small girl hair to walk truly, still truly occupy and order her to do at him so many up a do.

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她不好和丽贝卡谈这个难于出口的问题,只好和管家娘子白兰金索泊太太亲密地长谈了好几回。If she did not speak with Rebecca on the tender subject, she compensated herself with long and intimate conversations with Mrs.

醒了过来后,她精神蠼烁,认为自己是得到了“剪花娘子”的保佑。She felt hale and hearty after waking up from the coma, convincing herself that she got blessed by a spiritual "Goddess of Paper-Cutting".

以山西静乐县娘子神泉为例,讨论上述方法的应用过程与步骤,并探讨基流量偶测数据的代表性及其在泉水流量评价中的意义。The representability of occasional survey data of base flow and its significance in spring flow evaluation are also discussed in this paper.

林冲叫娘子和锦儿先去狱庙里,自己跳入墙来,就在槐树下和和尚相见了,一同坐下。Lin Ch'ung told his wife and the maidservant to go on to the temple, and then he greeted the monk and sat down with him under a Chinese scholar tree.

他拉起梅四就将她往自己那张书桌下塞,一脸的惊慌,活像个被娘子捉了奸的人。He starts to pull plum 4 fill toward her his own that table base, the alarm of one face, lived to be like be caught a crafty person along the Niang son.

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萧荆山看着自家娘子天真无奈的叹息,脸上是掺杂着怜惜的复杂之色。The mountain of Xiao Jing looking at oneself Niang the son is innocent to helplessly weep, namely blending to feel compassion ashore aboard the face of difficult color.

地狱娘子在俯冲中双手举起了她的黑色巨剑,圣骑士也将他辐射着光明的水晶剑高高举起以偏移对方的攻击。The Hell-maiden swung her great black blade over her head with both hands as she dived. The paladin raised his sword of glowing crystal to catch the blow and turn it aside.

半载归来,他学了鬼子,竟剪了辫子。这气坏老子,还哭哑娘子。到底为了面子,只好带假辫子。He returns after half a year, became a foreign devil and have his pigtail cut off, which angered his father and saddened his wife, who made him wear a fake pigtail to save their face.