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这些控诉正在飞散。The lawsuits are flying.

他误遭控诉犯偷窃罪。He was wrongly offender of stealing.

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第二天他们被控诉为异端。The next day they were accused heretics.

她的敌人们控诉她犯下叛国罪。Her enemies were accusing her of treason.

心儿控诉说你就藏在他的深处。My heart doth plead that thou in him dost lie.

它们是我们不义行为的控诉者。They stand as accusers of our unrighteousness.

别这样,你在控诉我么,“这个座位吗?Don't give this. You are charging me. "This seat?

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来访者控诉道,“终其一生,我都悲伤难抑。The caller complained, “I’ve been sad all my life.

通常这些指控中包含了对于撒旦崇拜的控诉。Often the accusations included charges of Satanism.

人们找到了对那场战阵的控诉。And the people have found an indictment of that war.

这起控诉归入紧急法令。The prosecution was brought under the emergency act.

这个作品中,充满了对法西斯的愤怒控诉。This work is full of angry complaints to the fascists.

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控诉方和被告都可以传召证人。Both the prosecution and the defence may call witnesses.

甘地对现代文明的控诉相比反对印度教民族主义者更加严厉。Gandhi’s indictment of modern civilization went further.

控诉信仍不断地寄到办公室。Letters of complaint are still flooding into the office.

他们控诉报纸将匪盗行为传奇化。They charged that the press is romanticizing gangsterism.

他向警察控诉那个男孩偷了他的苹果。He complained to the police of the boy tealing his apples.

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所以我向维兹尔您报告这些控诉,我发誓所听到的都是真的。I am therefore reporting these charges to you, the Vizier.

巴特勒当然是坚决主张控诉柯帕乌的。Butler, of course, was strong for Cowperwood's prosecution.

现金男不愿对雨刷伯的控诉作出任何回应。Cashman did not want to respond to Sheffield 's accusation.