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在砧木萌动到展叶期嫁接为好。In the rootstock sprout to leaf grafting as well.

必须把槟樱桃枝条嫁接到砧木上。Braches that produce Bing cherries must be grafted onto rootstock.

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选用适应本地生长的桑苗作砧木。Mulberry seedlings applicable to local growth are taken as the rootstock.

为研究考特和吉塞拉作为砧木对甜樱桃果实香气成分的影响。In order to study the effects of rootstock on aroma components of sweet cherry.

待接口愈合之后,除去砧木的上部。After the graft union has sealed, the upper portion of the understock is removed.

十六世纪以前,还没开始利用已经知道生长势的知名砧木。Use of named rootstocks of known vigor did not begin until the sixteenth century.

结果表明,砧木与嫁接植株新梢生长之间存在着密切关系。The results showed that there is close coordination between shoots and rootstocks.

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为保持优良品质,必须用嫁接法繁殖,砧木用山毛桃。To maintain good quality, must use grafting law breed, stock uses hill wild peach.

生产上主要应用的砧木有毛樱桃、毛桃、山杏。The main rootstocks used in production are raanchu cherry, kansu peach and apricot.

大卫,赛扬,以及植物新砧木雅各布在“实地生长在早春”苗圃。David, Cy, and Jacob plant new rootstock in a "field-grown" tree nursery in early spring.

嫁接植株的吸钾特性则取决于砧木和接穗的联合效应。Potassium uptake by the grafts depends on the interaction between the stock and the scion.

很明显,砧木或栽培品种都能对成龄植株的树形大小发生深刻的影响。Obviously both rootstock and cultivar will have a pronounced bearing on tree size at maturity.

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橡胶砧木是芽接树重要组成,对接穗的生长、产量都有影响。Rootstock is a important component part of rubber budding tree and has influenced scion yield.

葡萄砧木不同对其生长发育与开花结果所产生的影响也不同。Different rootstocks have different effect on growth development, flowing and bearing of grapes.

当接穗和砧木的形成层连接后,两种植物的维管组织便会结合。The cambia of scion and stock merge, allowing the vascular tissues of the two plants to combine.

综合分析表明,丰砧适合作为“黑武士”西瓜的嫁接砧木。As a whole, Fengzhen rootstock was considered most suitable for grafting the Heiwushi watermelon.

葡萄砧木对于提高接穗的耐盐性和选育抗盐品种具有重要意义。Evaluating for salt tolerance ablity of different rootstocks is one of the most important procedue.

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黑籽南瓜是嫁接黄瓜的优良砧木,但成熟度不同的种子,发芽参差不齐,影响生产。The germination rate is different in the germination of various-maturity Cucurbita ficifolia seeds.

在薄皮甜瓜嫁接试验里圣砧一号砧木、世纪星砧木均表现突出是良好的薄皮甜瓜嫁接砧木。In the test of thin-skinned melon grafting, Shengzhenl and Shijixing showed to be the best rootstocks.

本试验采用葫芦科作物做砧木,普通西瓜品种做接穗进行了嫁接栽培试验。In watermelon culture, cucurbit is used as stock and common watermelon seedlings as scion for grafting.