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2001年六月八日,我在残雪长沙的家中采访了她。I interviewed Can Xue at her home in Changsha on June 8, 2001.

寒冷冬日的残雪仍然借着严寒的余威覆盖大地。The snow of colder days still holds on with its chilling grip.

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本文论述了残雪创作中的女权主义思想。This diesis discusses that woman literature of Chang Xues world.

残雪在上完小学后,就中止了学业。Can Xue's formal education ceased after just completing primary school.

残雪小说的全部特点都在于那种坚持个人性的努力。All the characteristic of Can Xue's novel lies in the uphold of self-effort.

早春的梅花,绽放在残雪犹寒的景致里。Plum blossoms in early spring burst from the snowscape in this freezing scene.

苏残雪推了一把子轩朔易,后者连忙上前。Su remnants snow pushed a son Xuan Shuo easy, the latter hurriedly comes along.

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苏残雪下意识转身要逃,却一把被沉消拉住。The Su cripple snow subconscious turns round and runs, but a be sunk to eliminate to drag.

似乎是听到了炎弃的话,苏残雪的手指微微动了动。Seem is heard burning to leave of words, Su destroys the finger of snow puny moved to move.

在谈话之后,我们都尽情享用了残雪丈夫烹制的美味午餐。Following our conversation, we all feasted on a delectable lunch prepared by Can Xue's husband.

苏残雪在现在哪有机会可以看到这场景,顿时笑开了花。Su is cripple snow in now which have opportunity to see this scene, immediately laugh to bloom.

荡舟碧波之上,看雷锋夕照,苏堤春晓,还有留着残雪的断桥。Boating Bibo above to see Lei Feng afterglow, Sudi Chunxiao, as well as snow Retention of the bridge.

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不想想苏残雪究竟帮这个天歌做过多少事!Don't meditation that Su destroys snow to actually aid this day anthem to do one excessive mini stuff!

断桥残雪是著名的西湖十景之一,是西湖冬季的一处独特景观。Broken Bridge Canxue sites is one of the famous West Lake, West Lake, the winter is a unique landscape.

断桥残雪是西湖上著名的景色,属于西湖十景之一。Broken Bridge remaining snow is the famous scene of West- Lake, belong to one of ten scenes of West-Lake.

苏残雪蹙眉,眼睁睁的任由对方将自己抱在怀里。Su destroys snow Cu eyebrow, helplessly canning be hugged by the other celebration oneself is in the breast.

苏残雪有些不耐烦的将手伸到君阅微的面前晃了晃。Su destroys snow a bit impatient of stretched the hand to the gentleman to read tiny in front to sway to sway.

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“喂,你怎么了?”苏残雪再迟钝也看出这个人在闹别扭。"Feed, what's the material with you?"Su destroys snow afresh blunt also see this person is performing peevishly.

几个纵身,苏残雪只感觉到耳边的风声,意识渐渐沉入黑暗。Severals jump up, Su cripple snow the information that feel an ear, consciousness gradually sinks into blackness.

苏残雪闻言怔忡,将然竹的事情顺利解决之后就快些离开吧。Su remnants snow smells discourse Zheng Chong, about to the happening of bamboo smoothly after solving quicker quit.