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她穿着一件昂贵的皮衣。She is wearing an expensive fur.

抢劫犯突然对这个身着皮衣的妇女进行袭击。The muggers jumped the woman in the fur coat.

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他们能不能干洗我的西服,给皮衣做清洁呢?Can they dry clean my suit and clean my fur coat?

然后在冬天再重新穿皮普通的皮衣。Then switch back to your regular stuff for winter.

把你的西服和皮衣都送到锦江洗涤店吧。Take your suits, leather coat to the Jinjiang Launderers.

在这边,夫人。这里的皮衣质量值得信赖。Right ove here, Madam. The wears here are always dependable.

他们用珠宝和皮衣打扮起来,准备出门。They are all dolled up in furs and diamonds and ready to go.

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一些人睡在熊猫皮上或用它作皮衣。Some people used panda's fur to sleep on or to make fur coats.

他给妻子买了一件半大的皮衣。He bought a medium-sized piece of leather clothing for his wife.

我买了3罐狗食,塞进了皮衣口袋。I bought three cans of Alpo and stuffed them into my leather coat.

他看得出我并非只是说说而已,于是拿起他的皮衣走了。He could see I meant what I said. So he took his fur coat and left.

你可以把皮衣当军工装穿,也可以将它与热裤混搭。You'll wear it with military and you'll buy hot pants made out of it.

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棉尾巴爸爸穿上大大的皮衣,高高兴兴地沿着小路出发了。Papa Cotton-Tail put on his big fur coat and went merrily down the road.

她有紫色的针织帽和围巾,搭配黑色的皮衣前卫。She has the purple hat and scarf, knitting tie-in black leather halfback.

剪裁不齐的皮衣使得牛仔搭配衬衫的造型华贵。A cropped leather jacket gives a jeans-and-a-T-shirt look a luxurious spin.

“我整个衣柜都是碎花、牛仔和皮衣,”她表示。“My entire wardrobe consists of floral, denim and black leather, ” she said.

圣诞老人通常一身皮衣,白须飘飘,在圣诞时节为人们派送礼物。Generally a bearded old man in fur costume who appears in Yuletide and gives presents.

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阿穆尔豹因为栖息地减少以及偷猎皮毛加工皮衣成为极度濒危物种。The Amur leopard is critically endangered due to habitat loss and poaching for its spotted coat.

本文通过对皮衣各种立领结构设计方法的研究,找出了其变化的规律。The law of various standing collar structure of pelisse was found by studying of designing method.

搭配小西装,皮衣等都很好看的,纯美的颜色让人觉得很吸引。Collocation small suits, leather, etc. Are all very good, pure color let a person feel very attractive.