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对不起,比起枪击更多的人可是死于醉驾的。More folks are killed by dwi than guns.

一名小孩受到友军枪击?A child shot in a friendly-fire incident?

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约翰。列侬被他的一个狂热的歌迷枪击而死。John Nelon was shot by a fanatical fan of his.

他死于缺氧窒息而非枪击。He died of starving oxygen but not from gunfire.

约翰列侬被一个狂热的歌迷枪击而死。John Nelon was shot by one of his fanatical fans.

美国枪击案受伤议员能够站立并准备开始接受康复治疗。Giffords able to stand up as she readies for rehab.

所有这些,让人感觉象是看旧的西部枪击片。All these give off the sensation of Old West shoots.

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在这个枪击事件中没有人受伤,警方说。No others were injured in the incident, police said.

擅入者将遭枪击。没打死的再补一枪。Trespassers will be shot. Survivors will be shot again.

当肯尼迪站在敞篷车上驶过达拉斯市区的时候,遭到了枪击。Kennedy was shot as his open car drove through the city.

其中一人近距离枪击了他的大腿。One of them shoots him in the thigh at point-blank range.

也不知道想有就有的梦中发生的含糊话语和枪击。Nor the mumblings and shots that rise from dreams on call.

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该区域的枪击声在午夜之后依然能听到。Shooting could still be heard from the area after midnight.

就在吉米正弯腰照顾受伤的弗雷德时,卡车司机朝吉米开了四枪,两枪击中他的背部。Thinking Jimmy was dead, the man then shot and killed Fred.

这就是为什么枪击测试依旧是Schutzhund防卫赛的一部分。Which is why the gunfire test remains a part of Schutzhund.

另外一起枪击事件发生在巴古拜附近一个村庄。Another shooting incident occurred in a village near Baquba.

枪支制造商应对枪击致死事件负责。Gun manufacturers should be held liable for gun-related deaths.

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写文章的时间就处在卡罗拉多高校枪击案之后。This was after the Columbine High School shootings in Colorado.

枪击者使用的是非法获取的半自动武器。The shooters used semiautomatic weapons they obtained illegally.

一起与毒品有关的帮派火并引发了该市一连串的枪击事件。A drug-related gang war led to a series of shootings in the city.