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总之,这是关于“失态效应“的实验。All right. So blundering.

这就是所谓的“失态效应。That is the Pratfall Effect.

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这就是失态环节,让人难堪。That's the blunder. That's the pratfall.

我会的,只要你能原谅我的酒后失态。I will, if you forgive me for getting drunk.

他一定很紧张,却没有失态。He must have been nervous, but he never faltered.

实验中出现了采访者失态的环节。Half of them are assigned to the blunder condition.

不要再问了,在大丽花生长期我容易失态。Don't ask me what. I'm not quite at the growing-dahlia stage.

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“哦,你不回去吗?”嘉莉问,显得有些失态。"Oh, aren't you?" said Carrie, with an unwarrantable feeling.

你可能也知道,有些人在压力下会变得失态,不能正常工作。You know that some people just don't work well under pressure.

上述种种失态与缺乏经验,让卡钦斯基先生轻易成为讽刺的对象。Such gaffes and inexperience made Mr Kaczynski easy to lampoon.

钱特尔会认为表现出吃惊是失态的。Chantal would have considered it ill- mannered to show surprise.

让他们能够在一些社交礼仪的失态行为以及个人行为中发现幽默。Be able to see the humor in social gaffes and in human behavior in general.

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除非你是一个有能力的人,失态会为你加分。Only blunder if you're competent first and it will make you more attractive.

他随即知道失态,忙伸手按住了口。He immediately realized his faus pas and quickly covered his mouth with his hand.

即时新郎的酒量很好,也一定要有个度,以免在现场失态。Instant groom drink very good, also must have a degree in order to avoid the rude.

但现在的女人在一点上越来越有共识了——失恋不能失态。But now the woman at one point more and more consensus -- the lovelorn cannot lose.

她瞟了我一眼,我说“我失态了。She looked at me kind of out of the corner of her eye and I said, "Well, that was my blunder.

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这条雪豹由于后腿被钢丝套缠住,在愤怒地咆哮,若在平时,就不会那么失态。The leopard was snarling and furious at being caught, with its hind leg gashed by a wire snare.

这样,你就不会因为对方的阴谋诡计或你自己的情绪而失态。And you'll be less likely to get thrown off course by either thwarting ploys or your own emotions.

失态效应“的经典实验,描述起来,很迷人。Now, the classic experiment, the classic pratfall experiment, is just a beautiful one to describe.