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使用你的手指。Use your finger.

他交叉起手指。He knits his fingers.

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他的手指粗短。He has stubby fingers.

你夹断我手指的事!You cut off my finger!

不小心扎伤手指。Careless finger pricks.

手指速算法。Finger speed algorithm.

是的,我是吮了一个手指。Yes, I sucked a finger.

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他扳了下手指关节。He cracked his knuckles.

我的手指淤青泛紫。My finger is all purple.

他削铅笔时把手指割破了。The pencil is cut sharp.

凯西把手指划破了。Kathy has cut her finger.

总爱“喀哒“你的手指?Or clicking your fingers?

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大量的手指俯卧撑。A lot of finger press-ups.

她摇动手指。She twittered her fingers.

由于它咬了我的手指。Beause it bit my finger so.

前移这根手指到。I advance this finger to 3.

请勿以手指测试刀锋的锋利度。Do not test sharp by finger.

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放一只船在你手指的波浪。Sail a boat on finger waves.

老板用手指轻敲桌子。The boss thrummed the table.

她金色的手指搭在唇边。Her golden finger on her lip.