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是的,你是一个奇迹。Yes, you are a marvel.

啊,这生命的奇迹。Ah, the miracle of life.

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奇迹“何曾终止过?Do miracles never cease?

在这充满奇迹的海洋之上。In the wonder of the sea.

这本身就是个奇迹。Just that it is a wonder.

你是我声明中的一个奇迹!You are a mand in my life!

“是个奇迹,”里穆尼说。“A miracle, ” says Rimney.

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你在期求一个奇迹吗?Are you hoping for a miracle?

但是我认为,这是一个奇迹。But I consider this a miracle.

去创造最后复活的奇迹。To create her last renascence.

他的生命被奇迹般地救下来了。His life was saved by a miracle.

它是怎样实现这个奇迹的呢?How did it achieve this miracle?

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这些砂坝简直就是个奇迹。They are quite simply a miracle.

这真是个机械上的奇迹。It really is a mechanical marvel.

每天都有奇迹。Miracles hiphone appen every day.

不过那也要奇迹发生才能实现了。But that would also take a miracle.

与我同惜,生活的奇迹。Cherish with me, the wonders of life.

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彩色电视真是一个奇迹。Colour television is realty a wonder.

她是怎么考试及格的简直是奇迹。How she passed the exam is a miracle.

人类的眼睛是生物学上的奇迹。The human eye is a biological marvel.