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这是一个我们可以称之为神来之笔的处理方法。It’s an act we can call miraculous.

光线是摄影创意的神来之笔。Light is an inspiration to photography creation.

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当时,对他的任命犹如神来之笔。At the time, his appointment seemed a stroke of genius.

首发上阵的中后搭配卢西奥和胡安就是神来之笔。It starts with the phenomenal center-back pairing, Luicio and Juan.

不费一枪一弹,中国就能让印度屈服。真是神来之笔啊。Without fired a bullet will bring India to her knee, a stroke of genius.

但主办者的神来之笔是延请罗伯特·卡尔森为展览策划。But the curators' masterstroke was to enlist Robert Carsen to design the exhibition.

麦卡洛先生对于1870-1871年普法战争中巴黎被围困以及之后巴黎公社运动的描写,真可谓是神来之笔。His description of the 1870-71 siege of Paris and the subsequent nightmare of the Paris Commune is masterly.

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在我看来,Apple在垂直整合上的赌注看似是个错误,但实际上是神来之笔。My take is that Apple's bet on vertical integration, which seems anachronistic, is actually a stroke of genius.

据老普林尼说,那颗珍珠是史上最大的珍珠,是自然的神来之笔,价值达1000万塞斯特斯。Pliny called it "the largest in the whole of history, " a "remarkable and truly unique work of nature" worth 10 million sesterces.

唐宁的入选则是那种本来是不得已之举、最后却变成神来之笔的动作之一。And Downing's inclusion could turn out to be one of those moves forced by circumstance that end up improving the side immeasurably.

它可能简单地带来这些东西的表面价值,不过改一下,让我们试着钉一些“图像”在这些神来之笔上。It's possible to simply take these things at face value, but instead, let's try to pin some "pictures" on these flirtations with divinity.

是的,我认为那斗篷真是“神来之笔”,而且我觉得整套戏服配合的相当好,我非常满意整体的视觉外观。I was, yes. I think the cloak was a master-stroke, and I think the whole suit came together very well. I was pleased with the overall look of it.

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极富才情的中唐诗人李贺,在绚丽夺目的诗卷中,用自己的神来之笔塑造出一群美艳凄怨的女性来作为理想生命的象征。LI He, the talented poet in mid-Tang Dynasty, skillfully and vividly portrayed a group of pretty and depressed women as the symbols of the ideal life.

正如左晋给自己定的企业理念一样,“神”是思想,“笔”是行动,其画作可谓神来之笔。Just like the enterprise concept which is stipulated by Zuo Jin himself, "Shen" is the thought, "Bi" is the action and his paintings can be called the magic pen.

这里展出的近百幅水彩画,既有画坛大师的精制佳构,也有后起之秀的神来之笔。Here on displays are close to 100 water-color paintings that embrace the creative wisdom of master-hands and boast the magical, bold brush of promising young artists.

采用彩页插图是路易的前卫大臣浸信会教友波特的神来之笔,针对国王的兴趣所在的奇思妙想正是其动力和精神的关键。The use of the plates was the brainchild of Louis' ever- conniving minister Jean-Baptiste Colbert at whim of the king's pleasure was the key to power and other perks.

因此,1979年对阵凯尔特人时大卫·库珀的这记神来之笔就更无法被复制了,这粒进球也被评为苏格兰足球史上的最佳进球。For that reason, Davie Cooper's impromptu game of keepy-uppy against Celtic in 1979 – voted the greatest goal in Scottish football history – is quite unlike any other.

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但今天看来让巴克莱资本从华尔街平庸者一举成为可信竞争对手的神来之笔,本来也很可能演变为灾难。But what today looks like a masterstroke that has catapulted BarCap from being an also-ran on Wall Street into a credible competitor could easily have turned out disastrously.

轻轻薄薄,朦朦胧胧,袅袅娜娜,似有若无的一袭晨雾,给这幅神来之笔般的山水画,平添几分生动,几分神韵。Gently thin, hazy, delicate and graceful, seems to be without a morning fog, to this picture as an inspired passage of landscape painting, add a bit more vivid, kind of charm.

欧文,作为一个免费球员,再加上他那灵活的工资合同,当他如此希望能够重回顶级赛事的时候,很有可能成为另外一个神来之笔,如果说他很难超越坎通纳这个长久以来最令人印象深刻的例子的话。Owen, as a free transfer and on manageable wages as he is so keen to play at the highest level again, could well be another, if not quite in the same league as Cantona for likely long-lasting impact.