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史密斯是个出色的运动健将,他常常在比赛中获奖。Smith is an excellent athlete. He wins more often than not.

这问题真够蠢的!你知道我是个十足的运动健将。Isn't that a silly question? You know how much of an athlete I am.

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他是个可爱的,俊美的人,是个好学生还是个运动健将。Hes a really sweet and handsome guy, and hes also a good athlete and student.

我希望自己成为运动健将,但当时没意识到那是绝不会发生的。I wanted to excel in athletics but had not yet figured out that that would never happen.

他是优等生,是运动健将,他懂得很多,教会我许多东西。He was a star student and an athlete -- he was very knowledgeable and taught me many things.

终于敌不过运动健将般的亮子,我渐渐无力挣扎。Eventually enemy move nevertheless like master sportsman bright child, I struggle feebly gradually.

每当我们看到体育场上运动健将们奋力拼搏的时候,我们无不为之感动,为之振臂高呼。Whenever we see the stadium athlete who worked hard times, we are all touched by it, for crying out.

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其中三个孩子长得很高,很漂亮,而且都是运动健将,但是第四个,也就是最小的孩子像是个丑陋的侏儒。Three of the children are tall, good looking and athletic, but the fourth and youngest is an ugly runt.

为了减轻家里的负担,他努力学习,还是一名班级领袖和运动健将。Not wanting to be a burden on his hard-working family, he was a diligent student, a talented athlete, and class leader.

但只具备这些态度并不能使你成为一名黑客,也不能使你成为一个运动健将和摇滚明星。But copping an attitude alone won't make you a hacker, any more than it will make you a champion athlete or a rock star.

她说,“无论从哪个角度看他比赛,他就是一个运动健将,而把他当做一个普通年轻人来对待才是母亲最大的温暖。”Every aspect of watching him compete, perform as an athlete, and carry himself as a young man is heartwarming as a mother.

但是如果慢慢来,也就是每次迈出一小步,那你会慢慢从习惯久坐的人变成运动健将的!But if you go slow, literally taking one step at a time, you can go from being sedentary to becoming a runner just like Leo.

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没有营养师的帮助和每周的个人训练计划,鹿是怎样它们良好的运动健将般身材的。How do deer maintain their trim figures and impressive athleticism without a dietitian and weekly personal training sessions?

这里有着广泛性的群众体育活动,先后涌现出了60多名国际级、国家级运动健将。There is a variety of popular sports activities, and more than 60 national and world-class athletes have come from the region.

汉钊就读科大时是运动健将。他表示十分珍惜曾经到美国作交换生的经验,认为“收获丰富而饶有意义”。Paul was active in sports at HKUST, and will treasure the time he spent on "a fruitful and meaningful exchange program" in the US.

别小看王石一句漫不经心的“喜欢”,他手里攥的可是国家登山运动健将的资格。The sentence "I like it" seems to be unmindful , but he really holds the qualification of national master sportsman in mountaineering.

射手们,你们是运动健将,通常身材很不错。避免举重训练,集中精力于外出跑步、游泳和在跑步机上跑步。You're athletic, Sag, and are usually pretty fit. Avoid weight training and concentrate on running, swimming, and doing the treadmill.

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超级陆地车为各种体型的乘客设计,从瘦小的妙龄女郎到高大的运动健将都能舒适乘坐。The Super Terrain Vehicles were designed to comfortably seat a large range of body types, from petite individuals to tall sports figures.

肖恩巴蒂尔将其经验和领导力再次带入了先发五虎中,而运动健将蔡斯巴丁格则是替补席上的又一个多面手。Shane Battier again brings experience and leadership to the starting five, and athletic Chase Budinger is another multi-skilled player in reserve.

李青说,史铁生的离去实在是太突然了,很后悔没见到他最后一面,记得他说过从小的梦想是做个运动员,希望他到天国后能当个运动健将,满足他小时候的理想。He said that Shi had said that his dream was to be an athlete since he was a child. So Li Qing hoped that he could realize his dream in the Heaven.