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这家外国商行没有多大资力。This foreign firm has little means.

我见过集很多天赋及资力于一身但却悲哀地失败的人。I've seen people have everything delivered to them on a silver platter and fail miserably.

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一个有资力购买葡萄酒的国家,总会获得它所需要的葡萄酒。A country that has wherewithal to buy wine, will always get the wine which it has occasion for.

2008年,国度将拿出更多的资力物力来改善人民糊口。In 2008, the state will come up with more financial and material resources to improve people's lives.

赞助人。为项目供给现金或什物资力资源的小我私人或集体。Sponsor. The person or group that provides the financial resources, in cash or in kind, for the project.

另外,跨国连锁经营的销售模式和对人力资力的获取,已成为市场竞争的重要方向。More over, multinational operation and fighting for human resources being the main orientation of market competition.

失败的企业是那些分散了资力,因而意味着分散了精力的企业。The concerns which fail are those which have scattered their capital, which means that they have scattered their brains also.

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偿付能力、资力一家公司偿付长期固定开支,以及拥有充足资金作长期发展及增长的能力。Solvency The ability of a corporation to meet both its long-term fixed expenses and to have adequate money for long-term expansion and growth.

同时欢迎各地区市有资力的日用陶瓷批发商合作代理销售。The day which welcome everyplace area City to have property dint in the meantime act for sale with the porcelain and ceramics cooperation of wholesale dealer.

项目短长瓜葛者的责任与职权范围有时候辰是偶然介入查询拜访和重点对象小组,有时候辰是一力赞助项目,包孕供给资力与政治撑持。Their responsibility and authority range from occasional contributions in surveys and focus groups to full project sponsorshellop, whelloch includes providing financial and political support.

住宅的商品化、私有化后,大量的低收入阶层,尤其是社会弱势群体,缺乏市场中获取住宅的能力和资力。With the commercialization and privatization the housing, A lot of person belong to the lower class, especially, the vulnerable group, can't afford the housing because of the weakness of the capital.