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她说你跋扈横蛮。She said you were domineering and rude.

我觉得莫丽的跋扈更容易被客户所误解。I feel Mollys domineer is easily misinterpreted by clients.

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正是西方国家在埃及的跋扈导致了兄弟会的成立。It was Britain's presence in Egypt that led to the brotherhood's creation.

李启铭的嚣张跋扈触动了敏感话题,因为这看起来是再熟悉不过的事例。The younger Li's arrogance touched a nerve because it seemed an all-too-familiar example.

还有,当他们踏上社会的时候,试着不要太跋扈或好奇。In addition, try not to become too domineering or curious when it comes to their social life.

职务犯罪的主要病态心理类型包括精神压抑症、胜利恐惧症、骄横跋扈症和奢侈症。The main morbid psychology types of duty criminal consist of mental depression, victory fear, imperiousness and luxury.

美国本身就可以被看作是在进行一场狂吃比赛,以巨年夜的、鄙俗不堪的跋扈獗方法将脂肪和油腻的废料食物使劲地塞进已经饱得发胀的肚子里。America can be seen as little more than an eating competition, a giant, gaudy, manic effort to stuff grease and gunge into already sated innards.

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她们还说,她们缺乏统御人民的能力,即便她们想去领导,只怕会被同侪嘲笑或被指跋扈专横、爱乱指挥,会引起民怨沸腾。They also said they lack the ability to command people and, if they tried to do so, they would be laughed at by their peers or seen as bossy and make people mad.

在足球界产生了很多暴力变乱如海瑟尔惨案、球员猝逝世等等逝世亡和受伤随时年夜约产生可是人们仍然为之跋扈獗。In football there have been many violent incidents, such as the Heysel tragedy, the players death, etc. , deaths and injuries may occur at any time, but people are still wild.

首先,李刚在国家电视台为他儿子的嚣张跋扈道歉,此后,国家媒体报道了李启铭已被逮捕以及血液检测证实其为醉酒驾车的事实。First, Li Gang apologised on national television for his son's arrogance, then state media reported that Li Qiming had been arrested and that blood tests had confirmed he was drunk.