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她的工作是教国小生英语。Her job is teaching pupils English.

事实上,它是一种非常有用的小生物。Actually, it's a very useful creature.

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什么是小生捕捉一切要看你了。What Niche you capture is all up to you.

我是一个年轻的男孩,我的名字叫小生。I am young boy, and my name is Xiaosheng.

通过搜索引擎或目录小生?。Through niche directories or search engines?

因贪嗜权力,竟令小生对神奇宝贝之存活盲目不见。Gorged with power, I grew blind to Pokemon being alive.

造就这样反而会更紧张“小生”句。This will in turn bring up even tighter "niche" phrases.

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我敢肯定,你爱你这一资源小生想法。I'm sure, you'll love this resource for your niche ideas.

小生境水分胁迫频繁发生。The water stress in microhabitat occurs with high -frequency.

小生正在给人们下课时,汤姆走入学室。The teacher was giving us a lesson when Tom walked into the room.

这个演小生的女人懂得所有表面上的矛盾。A woman who plays Xiaosheng knows all about seeming contradictions.

小刚的哥哥是县京剧团的小生演员。Xiao Gang's brother plays the male role in the county opera troupe.

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提出一种基于动态小生境技术的自适应遗传算法。This paper introduces a new genetic algorithm based on dynamic niche.

许多美国人是奶油小生,所以他们能打败这些娘娘腔。Tons of Americans are cake boys. So yeah they could beat these cissies.

他们必须非常小心,保证不要吸入幼小的鱼类和其他小生物。They have to be careful not to suck up young fish or other small creatures.

鲁戈萨星上,栖息于尤达手指上的那个小生物,是一个尼布雷幼鸟。The little creature that perches on Yoda's finger on Rugosa is a baby neebray.

你可以建立一个名单,写了一份特别报告有关小生你的目标。You can build a list by writing a special report pertaining to the niche you're targeting.

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但你必须确保你的联系伙伴都在同一小生或内容。But you have to make sure that your links partners are in the same niche or content as you.

但是不管多么可爱,他们都只是根据小说电脑绘成的小巧的蓝色小生物。They were small, blue and CGI, obvious works of fiction, however adorable they may have been.

提出了一个基于小生境遗传算法的平面叶栅优化设计方法。The paper suggests an optimization design method for 2-D cascade based on niche genetic algorithm.