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你什么时候才对得起你那百万托派分子?When will you be worthy of your million Trotskyites?

托派克·沙克曾经说“如果我活着就是为了死去,为什么我还要努力活着呢”。Tupac Shakur said “why am I trying to live if I am just living to die”.

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但是,他不会作为布里斯托派去议会的使节也不会按他的支持者的意思行事。But he would not be Bristol's envoy to Parliament, nor take instructions from his electors.

在陈独秀的政治历史上,“托派”问题是一个十分严重但又十分复杂的问题。Chen Duxiu's case as a Trotskyist was a serious and complicated issue in his political history.

在陈独秀的政治历史上,“托派”问题是一个十分严重但又十分复杂的问题。On political history of Chen Duxiu, "Trotskyite " problem is very serious but very complex issue.

而20年代晚期则是右倾机会主义分子,托派的代表人物。In the late years of 1920s, however, he was a right opportunist and the representative person of Trotskyite.

他说,他是托派克沙克严重影响,即使他去世时,萨尔瓦多将军刚刚六岁。He says he was heavily influenced by Tupac Shakur, even though he'd died when El Général was just six years old.

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1938年,在延安“肃托”的历史背景下,张志乐被冠以“托派分子”“日本间谍”的罪名处死。In 1938, under the historical background of Yan'an"eliminating Trotskyist", Zhang Zhile was put to death as"Trotskyist and Japanese spy".

中共宣布的中国“十个主要托派分子”名单上,并列了朱其华和柳宁。The Chinese Communist apparently failed to identify him, there list of China's "ten major Troskyists " included both Chu Ch'i-hua and Liu Ning.

当然,陈独秀也有政治纲领,但他搞托派,搞分裂,在党外搞反党活动。Of course, Chen Tu-hsiu had one of his own too, but he went the Trotskyite way, worked for a split and carried on activities against the Party from the outside.

对这一过程作翔实而清晰的历史耙梳,有利于我们从学术层面对这个“问题”进行历史学学理的分析,进而搞清陈独秀“托派”问题的实质。A clear and elaborate historical investigation of this process helps a grat deal to make an academic analysis of this historical "issue" and explore the essence of Chen Duxu's case as a Trotskyist.