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我得多学学英语了。I get a lot knowlege.

我在大学学写程序。I learned to code in college.

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为什么不学学怎么打枪。Why don't you learn to use one.

我得好好学学怎么开车。and I need to learn how to drive.

我的天呐,那些人必须得学学。My god, those people need to learn.

你得学学我的人生观。You must learn some of my philosophy.

学学梵文或象形文吧。Learn Sanskrit or hieroglyphics instead.

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明年。我在巴黎有份奖学学习。Next year. I have a scholarship in Paris.

你们在伯格雷斯学学习。You study at Progressive Language School.

不断地学学学来获取,这是很不够的。It is not enough to keep learning more and more.

真希望好莱坞能看看、学学这部影片。Here’s hoping Hollywood is watching, and learning.

那就学学马赛妇女们摄取钙质的习惯吧。Imitate the calcium-consuming habits of Masai women.

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来学学新方法点燃彼此。Learn fresh ways to discover and delight in each other.

所以我想,或许我可以学学这类专业,So I thought, maybe I'll, I'll I move over that side and,

因此,我们这些老外至少最好学学数目字儿。At least, then, we foreigners had better learn the numbers.

听着,你该学学我。如果一个女孩喜欢我,很好。Look, you gotta be more like me. If a girl likes me, great.

你应该学学你的姐姐,她是个勤奋的学生。You should take after your sister who is a diligent student.

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他父亲是科学家,母亲大学学社会学。His dad is a scientist and his mom was a sociology undergrad.

如果能去威顿大学学医,我愿付出任何代价。I would give anything to study medicine at Winton University.

那就去跑跑步啊,学学跆拳道啊,游游泳啊,快速跑啊。So go running or take up kickboxing or swimming or speed walking.